Friday, April 29, 2022

How to Counter Insomnia


Insomnia is everyone’s worse nightmare – that is if you can fall asleep indeed! But as they say; it is no use to have sleepless nights over insomnia!

Insomnia can be cured or prevented without expensive medication or medical bills.  Just follow 5 basic tips on how:

1. Stay within your routine of eating supper: This means that should you eat a late-night snack or you go over your normal supper time, for instance attending a late function dinner, it will have an impact on your metabolism and that will have an impact on your sleeping pattern. The rule should be two hours between eat and sleep!

2. A healthy body houses a healthy mind; a healthy mind allows healthy sleeping patterns. An exercise routine should help regulate your sleep cycles and make you feel sleepier in the late evening.  But, on the flipside, do not overdo it as too much exercise close to sleeping time can cause too much adrenaline flow and then it is back to tossing and turning. And beware of taking a too hot bath or shower after exercising.

3.  Don't use your bed as a place for activities other than sleep and intimacy. Get into bed when you are ready to sleep and leave it when you wake up – on this topic of waking up; try not to linger in bed after waking up. Get up immediately. It is a fallacy that reading in bed just before sleeping time will make you drowsy and thus let you sleep better.

4. One of the major causes of insomnia is too much sleeping! Remember taking naps during the day or sleeping late in the mornings could overdo your need for sleep and thus when it is your normal sleeping time you toss and turn and blames it on insomnia! And get into a sleeping time routine; meaning that it will help to get a set time you will go to bed every night.

5. It is a fallacy that alcohol consumption will allow you to fall asleep easier. It only makes you feel dizzy temporary but try to hit the bed with too much alcohol consumption  prior to sleeping time and see how you sleep! Therefore, avoid it.

There you are. Try these tips and if these won’t help, then the only other option is counting sheep!
