Monday, April 25, 2022

How to have quality family time


How to have fun

In modern times with all the entertainment opportunities and as the modern living intensifies, less time is spent with the family. No wonder that families are no longer have quality time together nor do they have time for communication. Even communication is breaking up. Mom is at a book club or other clubs, Dad is working late and the children are visiting friends. The end result is that families are actually breaking up.

The irony is that families are the last outposts of unity where we must actually support each other and try to alleviate the different levels of stress each family members may have. Even the small school going children have their stress. Families should re-invent quality time together. There are many ways to do it and one interesting activity is to have at least once a week a home movie night. The focus is to be at home with either a pre-determined movie on one of the television channels or a movie rental from one of the video or DVD stores.

The secret of the fun lies there in that this should be a family decision and once decided on it no one should pull out of it. Set a movie start time and stick to it. Turn all cell phones off and order some take-outs or all family members can join together to make an informal movie dinner.

If there are still small children in the house you could make it more interesting for them. Ask them to make tickets and sell them from a self-made “box office”. They can even usher parents and older siblings to their seats with a small flashlight as in the old days.

A darkened room and plenty of comfy seats are a must. Beanbag chairs and large pillows on the floor are great movie chairs. Do not forget the popcorn. The microwave variety is fine, even better is stove-popped corn in a variety of flavors. Soft drinks are also a good idea. Give family members a chance to take a loo break or hit the fridge.

Remember, you as parents are responsible to keep the family together and once you embark on this movie night venture, please keep it together – do not allow anybody, the boss, the book club members, etc. sabotage this bonding evenings.

This would be the ideal opportunity to show the kids you are prepared to make sacrifices to ensure that you could spend quality time together.
