Tuesday, April 19, 2022

What Is Sexual Harassment and How to Handle or Avoid It


Sexual harassment only came out of the closet about 20 years ago. Before that it was all hush-hush and swept back into the closet!

Fortunately it has become an issue that addresses unwanted behavior in no uncertain terms.

In short, sexual harassment means any actions, advances or remarks by someone which are offensive to the receiving party or even just perceived as offensive and unacceptable. Normally, sexual harassment occurs in the working environment but other spheres of society are not excluded.

Although it is not an exhausted list, harassment could include:

· * Threats of any kind

· *Bribery

· *Dirty jokes

· *Sexual advances

·* Unwanted/inappropriate touching

· *Showing of pornographic or indecent material

· *Any form of victimization or bullying

Here are some tips how to handle or avoid harassment:

1. Try to avoid being alone with a person who is by nature unpleasant and which you fear or believe to be a person who is inclined to victimize you or to make unwanted advances towards you.

2. Although it is your right to dress how you like, try not to dress or behave in a provocative manner and by doing so draw unnecessary attention to yourself.

3. Do not be shy or afraid: Inform a person who is overstepping any boundaries in this regard in no uncertain terms that you find his or her behavior unacceptable – try to do it in the presence of a witness.

4. Never allow anyone to threaten you.

Remember, report sexual harassment to your employer or to any person who may be in a position to assist and address the matter.


Danie de Villiers