Sunday, May 1, 2022

Foods You Should Avoid if You Suffer From High Blood Pressure


A considerable number of people today are suffering from a condition known as high blood pressure or hypertension. It is the condition where the speed of the blood inside the blood vessels increases to an alarming level. This weakens the walls of the vessels and also causes the heart to pump at a faster pace. This fast pumping of the heart results in the over-exertion of the heart, and that can cause many heart diseases. However, this condition can be lessened by eating a specific food. It can also be aggravated and made worse by the use of certain foodstuff.

1. Salt

Salt is the prime culprit when it comes to high blood pressure. When the sodium content in our diet is increased, it disturbs the delicate ionic balance of the human body. This results in the kidneys being unable to filter the blood properly as the blood has a high level of sodium content. When the kidneys do not produce proper urine, the water content of blood increases which increases blood pressure. According to nutritionists, the daily intake of sodium for a healthy individual, so that he/she does not suffer from hypertension, should not exceed 1500 milligrams.


2. Canned Soups


Canned soups may look extremely nutritious when you are looking at their advertisements in which they promote the use of healthy veggies that provide nutrition. However, in reality, canned soups are a major aggravator of hypertension. These canned goods are loaded with a sodium content that increases the speed of the flow of blood. Therefore, while selecting a canned soup, a person should make sure he goes for a can with a “low sodium” label on it.


3. Processed Meats

Processed meats have been made to last longer and to stay unspoiled. They are used to make quick sandwiches and are considered nutritious. However, these meats contain a large amount of sodium content.


4. Chinese Take-Outs


Chinese take-outs are a favourite for people these days. When living in a fast-paced society, places that offer these budget-friendly and quick food items are considered saviours. However, this is not the case. Chinese take-out places use oils that are sodium content rich. That is why sautéed veggies in a Chinese place look so shiny. Also, Chinese take-out contains a large quantity of canned sauces as well as other sodium-rich ingredients that cause hypertension.


5. Frozen Pizzas


Frozen pizzas are considered to be a quick fix when lunch isn’t cooked or when you feel too lazy to get something to eat. Pop them in the oven and wait till the cheese starts the melt and the dough turns crispy and golden. However, to conserve the frozen pizzas, a large amount of salt is used. This high sodium concentration aggravates blood pressure and causes various heart diseases.


6. Pickles


Pickles are salted and preserved vegetables that are dipped in oil or vinegar for fermentation and flavour. These pickles are eaten as a side as well as put in various sandwiches and burgers all around the world. The extremely high sodium content in these aggravates blood pressure and can turn even a simple cucumber into a sodium bomb. 


7. Baked Cookies


Baked cookies may look healthy because of the brilliant smells and the amazing taste of it. Plus, the idea of something being freshly baked sounds very healthy and nutritious. However, baked cookies are rich in sugar content, and this sugar also causes a spike in blood pressure. Furthermore, in slices of bread, pastries, and croissants – salt is added. This salt increases blood pressure levels due to an increased level of sodium in the bloodstream.


8. Bacon


Bacon is a calorie bomb. They are sticks of fats that are fried in cholesterol pools. The worst thing is that people eat this for breakfast and breakfast is the most important and vital meal of the day. Therefore, eating something this unhealthy, this early in the morning has even more adverse effects than eating it at another time would. Due to the fat content of bacon, the blood pressure rises, and this results in overexertion of the heart.


9. Red Meat


Every doctor’s first advice to a person suffering from high blood pressure is to avoid or altogether boycott red meat. Red meat is a major source of haem iron to the body. This haem iron is directly related to the blood pressure levels of the human body. The red meat also contains more sodium content than white meat and sea-food; therefore, the use of red meat should be lessened to control blood pressure and avoid hypertension.


10. Donuts


Donuts are every age group’s favourite snack. However, these little snacks are incredibly unhealthy. They destroy the oral health of a person by acid deposition inside the mouth. They cause obesity which directly co-relates with hypertension and exertion of the heart. Consumption of donuts also spikes sugar level which causes a further aggravation of the blood pressure levels.


In conclusion, the list is not final. There are many food types that may not be good should you from suffer high blood pressure. Please consult your medical doctor or a dietician.



