Saturday, May 7, 2022

Lemon Yoghurt Cheesecake


Cook Time

Prep time: 30 min

Cook time: 20 min

Ready in: 50 min

Yields: Serves 8 people

Ingredients for sponge base and filling

·         1 large egg, separated for sponge base

·         30 g castor sugar, for sponge base

·         30 g self-rising flour, for sponge base

·         Pinch salt, for sponge base

·         1 teaspoon butter, combined with 1 tablespoon water for sponge base

·         500 g cream cheese, at room temperature for filling

·         2 eggs, for filling

·         125 g castor sugar, for filling

·         1 cup thick yoghurt, for filling

·         1½ tablespoons lemon juice, for filling

·         1 teaspoon grated lemon rind, for filling

·         1½ teaspoons vanilla essence, for filling

·         1 tablespoon sherry or pineapple juice, for filling

·         1 tablespoon gelatin, for filling

·         ½ cup hot water, for filling

Instructions for sponge base and filling

1.    Whisk egg white until stiff. Gradually beat in sugar and then egg yolk. Fold in flour and salt. Stir in water and butter and mix well. (sponge base)

2.    Pour batter into a 20 cm spring form cake pan lined with greased greaseproof paper. Bake in preheated oven at 180 °C (350 °F) for 12 to 15 minutes. Cool on wire rack. Peel off paper lining. (sponge base)

3.    Grease and line pan again and place cake in tin. (sponge base)

4.    Beat cream cheese until smooth. (filling)

5.    In a separate bowl, whisk eggs and sugar until light and fluffy. Blend with softened cream cheese. Beat in yoghurt, lemon juice and rind, vanilla and sherry or fruit juice. (filling)

6.    Sprinkle gelatin over hot water and stir until dissolved. Cool a little, then add to cream cheese mixture and mix well. (filling)

7.    To assemble cake, pour filling on top of sponge layer and refrigerate overnight. If desired, drizzle melted chocolate on top.




Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Why Dogs are Our Best Friends


The story of humanity is a long one. Over time, as we progressed and domesticated horses and cows, and farmed sheep, goats and pigs, dogs found their place. Not as food, but as protectors and finders of food. This is not incidental but specifically because of their infinite versatility. Their keen smell, sharp hearing, agility, and mobility gave them the edge above any other domesticated animal or pet and enabled the dog to fulfil any role required from them.

Later on there came a shift in purpose with the emphasis on protecting the household, or warning the owner of danger. However, as humankind progressed through the ages, another shift in purpose developed, namely to be companions or friends taking on a social responsibility which also include assisting humans to deal with disabilities.

The best example here is the guide dogs for the blind, making them the best service animals. They have also been functioning as ears for the hearing impaired and even as arms and legs for the physically disabled. However, these dogs function as far more than replacements or limbs or senses. May be more important, they provide tremendous psychological support to their companions, who often find social and emotional barriers far more difficult to overcome than physical ones.

Guide dogs not only offer their human friends greater mobility, but also give them an increased capability to cope with their blindness. But, most importantly, a guide dog gives the blind owner a new lease on life. There is a positive acceptance of the disability, of life and risk taking, expression of feelings, assertiveness, personal achievement, and orientation to the present, relaxation, improved body image, security, self-control, self-awareness, and opportunities for social growth and interaction.

Hearing dogs assist deaf and hearing-impaired persons by responding to the telephone, the fire alarm, and other specialized needs such as the timer on a microwave oven or a crying baby. The greatest benefit however, is that the owners of such dogs experience a decreased dependency on hearing people and a new found freedom that may allow them to live alone or free from anxiety when the hearing spouse or partner has to leave the impaired person to go to work, etc.

More specialized than the ordinary hearing dogs, are the so-called signal dogs, which act as the ears of the deaf. A signal dog is trained to respond to the slightest sound, for example, after a deaf young woman received a signal dog she became confident enough to start a family. The woman’s husband had normal hearing but worked a late shift, and she feared she would be unable to hear her baby’s cries in the night. With the signal dog, she could put her mind at ease. Another signal dog, whose owner has a dental laboratory, alerted his master to all the timers and sounds of the electronic equipment, he worked on.

A companion dog is one who is trained to support their recipient in home environments. These dogs are not necessarily only for the disabled, but also for those in need of assistance in and around the house, for instance the elderly, the lonely, or the isolated persons in life. These dogs are there to assist with picking up dropped items, opening and closing doors, wardrobes, and drawers, removing items of clothing like socks, emergency bark if their owner is in danger, offer emotional support, including love and friendship and most importantly, assists in breaking down barriers and reducing social isolation.

The bond between dog and humankind that began centuries ago still exists today. Over all these centuries, dogs made extraordinary impact on many aspects of the human life. They certainly deserve the title ‘a human being’s best friend’!

This can better be described with this joke: ‘to see who your best friend is, lock both your dog and your so-called best human friend in the trunk of your car and open them after an hour and see who is coming out wagging his tail and licking your hand!’


Monday, May 2, 2022

How to Make Beer Roasted Pork

Pork is one of the leanest of all meats. Sometimes people wrongly assume that all pork is high in fat and thus incompatible with healthy eating. However, it is a fact that lean pork is lower in fat than beef or lamb and is not much fattier than skinless chicken – a 100 g serving of lean roast leg of pork contains 7 per cent fat. Pork is an excellent source of B vitamins, especially vitamin B 12. It is also a good source of zinc and it contains iron.

Pork is a very versatile meat and the leg, whole or deboned, is suitable for either oven- or pot-roasted. Leg of pork generally has a bland taste, which can be enhanced by various ingredients added during cooking, of which beer is one of it. Pork which is roasted in beer, and served with applesauce makes a mouth-watering dinner dish.

Beer Roasted Leg of Pork


2 kg pork leg

25 ml (1 Tbsp.) olive oil

38 ml (2 Tbsp.) sunflower oil

1 onion stuck with 2 whole cloves

1 bay leaf

5 ml freshly ground black pepper

2 ml salt

7 ml thyme

250 ml (1 cup) flat beer

6 carrots cut into 5 cm lengths

12 small white onions, peeled

2 small turnips, quartered


1. Rub the pork leg with olive oil. Heat the sunflower oil in a heavy-based saucepan (with lid and oven-proof) large enough to hold the roast. When hot, sear all sides of the roast.

2. When well- coloured, add the onion, bay leaf, pepper, salt, thyme and the beer. Bring to the boil and simmer covered on top of the stove or in a 150⁰C oven for 2 hours.

3. Test the meat, and if it is becoming tender, add the remaining vegetables. Cook for about 1 hour more, until the vegetables are tender. Remove meat to a carving board and keep it warm.

4. Skim off the fat from the sauce and taste for seasoning. Carve meat into thin slices and serve.

Here is a bonus – serve the pork with an apple sauce


2 large cooking apples

A knob of butter

Castor sugar to sweeten


1. Wash the apples and cut them into small pieces without removing the skin or core.

2. Cook it in just enough water to prevent it from sticking to the pan.

3. Sieve the apple and sweeten it with the castor sugar.

4. Stir in the butter and serve the applesauce in a small sauceboat.

Enjoy with rice, baked potatoes, and a tossed salad. Do not forget the wine!



My People!


Sunday, May 1, 2022

Foods You Should Avoid if You Suffer From High Blood Pressure


A considerable number of people today are suffering from a condition known as high blood pressure or hypertension. It is the condition where the speed of the blood inside the blood vessels increases to an alarming level. This weakens the walls of the vessels and also causes the heart to pump at a faster pace. This fast pumping of the heart results in the over-exertion of the heart, and that can cause many heart diseases. However, this condition can be lessened by eating a specific food. It can also be aggravated and made worse by the use of certain foodstuff.

1. Salt

Salt is the prime culprit when it comes to high blood pressure. When the sodium content in our diet is increased, it disturbs the delicate ionic balance of the human body. This results in the kidneys being unable to filter the blood properly as the blood has a high level of sodium content. When the kidneys do not produce proper urine, the water content of blood increases which increases blood pressure. According to nutritionists, the daily intake of sodium for a healthy individual, so that he/she does not suffer from hypertension, should not exceed 1500 milligrams.


2. Canned Soups


Canned soups may look extremely nutritious when you are looking at their advertisements in which they promote the use of healthy veggies that provide nutrition. However, in reality, canned soups are a major aggravator of hypertension. These canned goods are loaded with a sodium content that increases the speed of the flow of blood. Therefore, while selecting a canned soup, a person should make sure he goes for a can with a “low sodium” label on it.


3. Processed Meats

Processed meats have been made to last longer and to stay unspoiled. They are used to make quick sandwiches and are considered nutritious. However, these meats contain a large amount of sodium content.


4. Chinese Take-Outs


Chinese take-outs are a favourite for people these days. When living in a fast-paced society, places that offer these budget-friendly and quick food items are considered saviours. However, this is not the case. Chinese take-out places use oils that are sodium content rich. That is why sautéed veggies in a Chinese place look so shiny. Also, Chinese take-out contains a large quantity of canned sauces as well as other sodium-rich ingredients that cause hypertension.


5. Frozen Pizzas


Frozen pizzas are considered to be a quick fix when lunch isn’t cooked or when you feel too lazy to get something to eat. Pop them in the oven and wait till the cheese starts the melt and the dough turns crispy and golden. However, to conserve the frozen pizzas, a large amount of salt is used. This high sodium concentration aggravates blood pressure and causes various heart diseases.


6. Pickles


Pickles are salted and preserved vegetables that are dipped in oil or vinegar for fermentation and flavour. These pickles are eaten as a side as well as put in various sandwiches and burgers all around the world. The extremely high sodium content in these aggravates blood pressure and can turn even a simple cucumber into a sodium bomb. 


7. Baked Cookies


Baked cookies may look healthy because of the brilliant smells and the amazing taste of it. Plus, the idea of something being freshly baked sounds very healthy and nutritious. However, baked cookies are rich in sugar content, and this sugar also causes a spike in blood pressure. Furthermore, in slices of bread, pastries, and croissants – salt is added. This salt increases blood pressure levels due to an increased level of sodium in the bloodstream.


8. Bacon


Bacon is a calorie bomb. They are sticks of fats that are fried in cholesterol pools. The worst thing is that people eat this for breakfast and breakfast is the most important and vital meal of the day. Therefore, eating something this unhealthy, this early in the morning has even more adverse effects than eating it at another time would. Due to the fat content of bacon, the blood pressure rises, and this results in overexertion of the heart.


9. Red Meat


Every doctor’s first advice to a person suffering from high blood pressure is to avoid or altogether boycott red meat. Red meat is a major source of haem iron to the body. This haem iron is directly related to the blood pressure levels of the human body. The red meat also contains more sodium content than white meat and sea-food; therefore, the use of red meat should be lessened to control blood pressure and avoid hypertension.


10. Donuts


Donuts are every age group’s favourite snack. However, these little snacks are incredibly unhealthy. They destroy the oral health of a person by acid deposition inside the mouth. They cause obesity which directly co-relates with hypertension and exertion of the heart. Consumption of donuts also spikes sugar level which causes a further aggravation of the blood pressure levels.


In conclusion, the list is not final. There are many food types that may not be good should you from suffer high blood pressure. Please consult your medical doctor or a dietician.





Friday, April 29, 2022

How to Counter Insomnia


Insomnia is everyone’s worse nightmare – that is if you can fall asleep indeed! But as they say; it is no use to have sleepless nights over insomnia!

Insomnia can be cured or prevented without expensive medication or medical bills.  Just follow 5 basic tips on how:

1. Stay within your routine of eating supper: This means that should you eat a late-night snack or you go over your normal supper time, for instance attending a late function dinner, it will have an impact on your metabolism and that will have an impact on your sleeping pattern. The rule should be two hours between eat and sleep!

2. A healthy body houses a healthy mind; a healthy mind allows healthy sleeping patterns. An exercise routine should help regulate your sleep cycles and make you feel sleepier in the late evening.  But, on the flipside, do not overdo it as too much exercise close to sleeping time can cause too much adrenaline flow and then it is back to tossing and turning. And beware of taking a too hot bath or shower after exercising.

3.  Don't use your bed as a place for activities other than sleep and intimacy. Get into bed when you are ready to sleep and leave it when you wake up – on this topic of waking up; try not to linger in bed after waking up. Get up immediately. It is a fallacy that reading in bed just before sleeping time will make you drowsy and thus let you sleep better.

4. One of the major causes of insomnia is too much sleeping! Remember taking naps during the day or sleeping late in the mornings could overdo your need for sleep and thus when it is your normal sleeping time you toss and turn and blames it on insomnia! And get into a sleeping time routine; meaning that it will help to get a set time you will go to bed every night.

5. It is a fallacy that alcohol consumption will allow you to fall asleep easier. It only makes you feel dizzy temporary but try to hit the bed with too much alcohol consumption  prior to sleeping time and see how you sleep! Therefore, avoid it.

There you are. Try these tips and if these won’t help, then the only other option is counting sheep!


Thursday, April 28, 2022

Cannabis Helps Reduce Severity Of Migraines And Headaches


According to a study, self-reported headache severity was reduced by 47.3% and migraine severity was reduced by 49.6% with cannabis that was inhaled. This is the first study to make use of a large amount of data from migraine and headache patients making use of cannabis in real time.[1] Prior research has used data from the recollection of patients’ past cannabis use. There has been one clinical trial which indicated that cannabis was superior to ibuprofen for alleviating headache, but a synthetic cannabinoid drug called nabilone was used. Although a substantial number of people report using cannabis for migraine and headache, surprisingly little research has addressed the topic.


Archived data from the Strainprint app was analysed, an app which allows the tracking of symptoms before and after patients have used medical cannabis. Over 1,300 patients submitted information who had made use of the app more than 12,200 times for tracking headache changes from before to after using cannabis, as well as another 653 patients who had made use of the app more than 7,400 times for tracking changes of the severity of migraine.

The researchers made use of an ecologically valid approach by looking at actual patients medicating in their own environments making use of whole plant cannabis. Because of the large amount of data, the researchers could more accurately and appropriately generalize to the greater population of patients making use of cannabis for managing these conditions.

No evidence was seen of cannabis causing “overuse headache,” a side effect of conventional treatments that can make headaches worse over time. Patients did however use larger doses of cannabis over time, which indicates they could be developing a tolerance to the cannabis.

A small but significant gender difference was found with men reporting 90.0% more sessions that involved headache reduction compared to 89.1% reported by women. It was also noted that making use of cannabis concentrates, such as cannabis oil, resulted in a larger reduction in the severity rating of headaches than making use of cannabis flower.

No significant difference in the reduction of pain was found between strains of cannabis that were lower or higher in cannabidiol (CBD) levels and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels, the two most commonly researched cannabis chemical constituents, also known as cannabinoids. Because cannabis consists of more than 100 cannabinoids, the result suggests that different cannabinoids or other constituents like terpenes could be playing a central role in the relief of migraine and headache.

The limitations of the Strainprint study were that it relied on a self-selected group of individuals who may have already anticipated that cannabis will alleviate symptoms, and it wasn’t possible to implement a placebo control group.


Cannabis Helps Reduce Severity Of Migraines And Headaches

Image via: ShapeAble

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Baking Soda Might Be a Safe and Cheap Way to Fight Autoimmune Disease

A dose of baking soda every day might be able to help reduce the harmful inflammation of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers reveal some of the first evidence of how the cheap, over-the-counter antacid can encourage the spleen to promote an anti-inflammatory environment instead, which can be therapeutic in the face of inflammatory disease.1

The researchers have demonstrated that when rats or healthy individuals consume a solution of baking soda, it becomes a trigger for the stomach to produce more acid to digest the next meal and for mesothelial cells sitting on the spleen to tell the organ that there’s no need to launch a protective immune response.

Mesothelial cells line cavities of the body, such as the cavity containing the digestive tract, and they also cover the outside of the organs to quite literally stop them from rubbing together. Mesothelial cells have little fingers called microvilli, which also offer another level of protection. The microvilli sense the environment and warn the organs they are covering when there's an invader and an immune response is required.

The spleen is part of the immune system, which functions as a big blood filter and is where some white blood cells, like macrophages, are stored. The researchers believe that drinking baking soda informs the spleen to go easy on the immune response.

After consuming water with baking soda for 2 weeks, the population of immune cells known as macrophages in the spleen, as well as the blood and kidneys, shifted from primarily those that promote inflammation (M1) to those that reduce it (M2). Macrophages, perhaps most commonly known for their capacity to consume waste in the body such as debris from dead or injured cells, are early arrivers to a call for an immune response.

One of the numerous functions of the kidneys is balancing crucial compounds such as acid, potassium, and sodium. With kidney disease, there's impaired kidney function and one of the resulting problems can be that the blood becomes too acidic. Significant consequences can include an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Studies have revealed that a daily dose of baking soda can not only reduce acidity but slow kidney disease progression, and it's now a therapy provided to kidney disease patients.


Baking Soda Might Be a Safe and Cheap Way to Fight Autoimmune Disease

Image via: AHealthBlog

Monday, April 25, 2022

How to have quality family time


How to have fun

In modern times with all the entertainment opportunities and as the modern living intensifies, less time is spent with the family. No wonder that families are no longer have quality time together nor do they have time for communication. Even communication is breaking up. Mom is at a book club or other clubs, Dad is working late and the children are visiting friends. The end result is that families are actually breaking up.

The irony is that families are the last outposts of unity where we must actually support each other and try to alleviate the different levels of stress each family members may have. Even the small school going children have their stress. Families should re-invent quality time together. There are many ways to do it and one interesting activity is to have at least once a week a home movie night. The focus is to be at home with either a pre-determined movie on one of the television channels or a movie rental from one of the video or DVD stores.

The secret of the fun lies there in that this should be a family decision and once decided on it no one should pull out of it. Set a movie start time and stick to it. Turn all cell phones off and order some take-outs or all family members can join together to make an informal movie dinner.

If there are still small children in the house you could make it more interesting for them. Ask them to make tickets and sell them from a self-made “box office”. They can even usher parents and older siblings to their seats with a small flashlight as in the old days.

A darkened room and plenty of comfy seats are a must. Beanbag chairs and large pillows on the floor are great movie chairs. Do not forget the popcorn. The microwave variety is fine, even better is stove-popped corn in a variety of flavors. Soft drinks are also a good idea. Give family members a chance to take a loo break or hit the fridge.

Remember, you as parents are responsible to keep the family together and once you embark on this movie night venture, please keep it together – do not allow anybody, the boss, the book club members, etc. sabotage this bonding evenings.

This would be the ideal opportunity to show the kids you are prepared to make sacrifices to ensure that you could spend quality time together.


Friday, April 22, 2022

Walnuts can assist with lowering cholesterol levels


It is official – walnuts are not only for recreational eating and cooking! Research has shown that walnuts also have medicinal value in the sense that it has recognized cholesterol lowering properties. Many studies performed by various research institutions all over the world, have at last discovered the benefits of walnuts. Not only has the consumption of walnuts proven beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels, they have also been noted to reduce the risk of heart disease and inflammation.

There are three types of fat in foods – saturated, mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fat.  Replacing sources of saturated fat with mono- and poly-unsaturated fat can help improve cholesterol levels, and improving cholesterol levels can reduce risk of heart disease.  Although most nuts are rich in mono-unsaturated fat, the benefit is that walnuts are poly-unsaturated.

But this is not where the nutritional value of walnuts ends. Another reason why they are heart healthy is because of the presence of high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha linoleic acid, and phytosterols. Omega-3-fatty acids reduce triglycerides levels and also reduce the formation of atherosclerotic plaque on arteries by increasing HDL levels (the so-called good cholesterol). On the other hand in turn it reduces LDL levels (or the so-called bad cholesterol). In addition to heart healthy ingredients, walnuts also contain a wealth of other nutrients, including vitamin E, the B vitamins, fiber, and several minerals.

 A qualified dietician would be able to compile a balance cholesterol lowering diet in which 20 percent of the calories can come from walnuts. In such a case LDL cholesterol can be reduced by as much as 12 percent.  For a 1,200-calorie per day diet, a little less than 1/3 of a cup of walnuts is about 240 calories, or 20 percent of the total calories for the day.

In conclusionas with any food, good or bad, eating too much can cause weight gain and being overweight places you at higher risk of heart disease. To avoid gaining weight, replace foods high in saturated fat with nuts. For example, instead of using cheese, luncheon meat or croutons in your salad, add a handful of walnuts or almonds.

Danie de Villiers

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Biltong, a South African Delicacy


Biltong, a traditional South African delicacy, is the name given to strips of meat, carefully seasoned, spiced and air-dried to create a preserved, chewy meat snack.

When the early European settlers in South Africa ventured into the interior of the land 300 odd years ago, this dried meat was invented as a substitute for fresh meat during their journey.

The name biltong is thought to stem from the Dutch words bill, meaning buttock of an animal, and tong, meaning tongue, but in this context referring rather to a piece of meat cut into a strip than to the actual tongue of an animal - therefore biltong = dried buttock meat, cut into strips looking like a tongue.

Recipes for biltong (dried meat) are numerous. Only prime cuts of meat, usually the hindquarter of the animal are used, cut into the strips looking like a tongue and sprinkled with vinegar and rock salt to tenderize, flavor and preserve it after which it is seasoned with a combination of spices like pepper and coriander.

The meat is then hung to air-dry in a warm breezy place, out of the direct sunlight and in a place protected from dust, flies and other insects. The secret of success is to quick dry it to prevent mildew forming. Fortunately, special ‘biltong-makers’ (dehydrators/meat curing boxes) are available to speed up the process. But many eager biltong fans, like me, use a portable washing rack in an unused room with a huge fan directly on the meat!

Usually, biltong is made from beef, game and ostrich - but the real experts even make chicken and shark biltong! And then there is also bacon biltong!

Using Biltong

At first early settlers soaked the dried meat in water before slicing and using it in cooking meals. It is believed that later they ate it in its raw, dried form. Today, apart from being eaten on its own as a snack, biltong can also be grated to flavour cheese sauces, savoury biscuits, and exotic dishes and even in soup.

A High Protein Snack

Biltong is regarded as a reasonably healthy snack as it is high in protein, phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, thiamine and vitamin B12. Ostrich and game biltong are excellent to use to lower your fat and kilojoules intake.


·         25 kg (55 lb.) beef, tender cuts such as loin, rump, fillet, and silver side or topside

·         1.25 kg (2.7 lb.) rock salt

·         1 cup brown sugar

·         2 tablespoons black pepper

·         100 g (3.5 oz.) coriander seeds, coarsely ground

·         500 ml (16 fl oz.) brown vinegar

·         1 cup Worcestershire sauce


How to Make Biltong


1.    Cut the meat into strips 5 - 7 cm (2 - 3 inch) wide and 2 - 4 cm (¾ - 1½ inch) thick. (The strips will look just like an animal tongue!)

2.    Rub all the strips thoroughly with the rock salt, place in a container and allow standing for 2 hours.

3.    Take the strips out and scrape off the salt with a broad blade knife.

4.    Place the strips in a glass dish, big enough to accommodate all the strips without laying on each other. Mix the vinegar and Worcestershire sauce and pour over the meat strips. Cover and allow standing for one hour, then turn over and allow standing another hour.

5.    Strip off excessive vinegar mixture with the hand and mix the brown sugar, black pepper and ground coriander. Rub this mixture thoroughly into each strip of meat.

6.    At one end of each strip, hook through an S-shaped wire or plastic hook.

7.    Hang these strips in a dehydrator or meat curing box and leave to dry - it will be reasonably dry after 4 - 5 days.

Once it is dried, eat it as a snack as it is, using a sharp knife to slice it, or use a meat slicer for this purpose. Alternatively, use the sliced pieces on a sandwich or use the slices to substitute the normal meat in any soup.
