Sunday, April 21, 2013

Facts about Back Pain

Many people suffer from back pain and most of them can deal with it on their own. Here are some facts about back pain:
  • Most back pain settles quickly enough to allow a sufferer to continue with normal activities of life.
  • It affects about 80% of the population at some point in their lives.
  • Approximately half of the people who get backache will have it again within a couple of years. However, this does not mean it is serious.
  • Most people return to normal activities between attacks with few if any symptoms.
  • During an attack the pain can be very severe and some physical activities may need to be reduced for a time.
  • Rest for more than two days usually does not help and may do more harm than good. It is better if you can keep moving.
  • Your back is designed to move; the sooner you return to normal activity the sooner your back will feel better.
  • The people who cope best with back pain are those who stay active and continue with their lives despite the pain.
As mentioned above, many people experience back pain at some time in their lives. Problems can occur suddenly after an accident or injury, or as the result of a slow gradual process due to lack of exercise or poor posture. Incorrect posture throws the head forward and puts a tremendous amount of stress on the muscles in the back of the neck and upper shoulders. Muscles in this position maintain a constant state of contraction, resulting in injury and subsequent discomfort. Poor sleeping habits, poor work habits, and tension can all contribute to this problem. While tension is not often the primary cause, it can certainly worsen pain and make you more prone to injury.