Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How to Discover Your Personality

Appearance is a very important thing in our modern world. Our world is constantly being influenced by the celebrities that usually embody physical beauty at its finest. However, many people overlook the fact that there is more to beauty than simply having the “right look”.

Personality is one aspect of beauty that is much overlooked these days. Focusing one’s attention on improving your personality is a healthy and lasting way to improve your attractiveness. A study revealed that many men are willing to overlook the physical appearance of a woman if she’s honest and friendly. This means that women who may not necessarily measure up to the modern day standards of physical attractiveness may be considered beautiful and attractive.

Personality need not compete with physical appearance: they should go hand in hand with each other to optimize one’s features inside and out.

Discover your personality

Knowing your own personality is a key step toward using it for the betterment of your appearance. One should take time to recognize the kind of personality he/she has. There are many books and instructional materials available about how to identify the type of personality you have. Many support groups and tests in the Internet are available to assist you in this endeavour.

All personalities are unique

Anyone’s personality type can be viewed by others as a flawed one. People who are overly aggressive or extremely quiet can be seen by others as weird, but almost every one is weird relative to the views of another person. There are many ways of using your personality toward the betterment of yourself.

Managing one’s traits

There are always areas for improvement in any kind of personality. You should be able to identify them and be able correct any bad traits.

Highlighting one’s good traits

Putting your positive traits in the spot light is the true essence of using personality as a tool to appear more attractive. Everyone possesses certain characteristics that are positive and unique.

Each person has his/her own personality. Personality improvement is just one of the ways to fully optimize the inherent beauty that you possess. Personality and physical appearance should always go hand in hand with each other. Personality is the reflection of inner beauty that transcends into the physical world. People should realize that beauty is more than the physical appearance.

By Azura Austen Azeez

Monday, August 29, 2011

Beauty is abstract

Beauty is more than skin-deep. Beauty is unique grace and confidence, a shining light that sparkles through the eyes and smile. It's not what you look like; it's what you project.

Beauty is a subjective quality and a universal perfect beauty is but an abstract concept.

Secretly, we all want to be beautiful and make the best of ourselves. We want to look more beautiful without losing the essence of what makes us uniquely attractive.

Perfect beauty is an elusive concept, but if you can feel good about yourself by enhancing your looks, you may find more joy in your life.

Friday, August 26, 2011

10 modern miracles

You take a headache tablet, phone a friend, have a dental cavity filled, and hop into your car.
There's a lot we take for granted. We stress about pollution and global warming, crashing markets and sub-woofers. But we don't have to cook over an open fire and have a baby every year. 

Amongst the things for which we should be eternally grateful are:

Proper soap. Imagine trying to keep yourself, your house and your clothes clean with no proper soap or household detergents. In effect, all you would be doing is shuffling the dirt about. Without grease-cutting detergents, soap was mostly ineffective. People washed clothes in rivers (admittedly, rivers may have been cleaner in the days before industrial pollution) and slammed them against the stones in an effort to get rid of dirt and stains.

Medication. Anaesthetics, vitamin tablets, painkillers, antibiotics, vaccines and antiseptics. Infections, unbearable pain, operations without anaesthetics and fatal childhood diseases were common when granny was conceived. There were no headache tablets and your chances of dying from infection after an operation were very high. People died because of a burst appendix, kidney stones, small infections. In short, they died of all sorts of things, which today, would be treated with a short course of antibiotics.

Medical staff. Imagine being really ill, or having excruciating toothache and not being able to go to your dentist or GP. At least today in most countries, one can go to a state hospital or clinic of some sorts – OK, sometimes the travelling kind only comes around once a week, but at least it comes. You might have to wait hours in a queue, but relief or at least a correct diagnosis should follow once you get to the front.

Contraceptives. It was the fate of women for many generations to have a baby every year. Either that or celibacy. Many modern women, if given the choice between having 16 children or joining a convent, would opt for the latter. Today, planning a family is easy and costs nothing, if you get contraceptives from state family planning clinics. Imagine what 16 pregnancies would do to your body.

Clean water. The cholera used to come in epidemics and no one knew for hundreds of years what it was caused by. The biggest modern miracle is probably that of clean water, and modern sanitation. We can drink the water from our taps. It is clean and hygienic and we are not going to get some grim water-borne disease by doing so. Most of our streets aren't filled with sewerage, because we have toilets and water-born sewerage. Pit latrines were cold, draughty and very unhealthy.

Motorised transport. The rush-hour crawl is frustrating, but motorised transport is what makes life possible. No transport, and we'd all have to live within a few kilometres of work. We'd not go on holiday. Too horrible to think about.

Air-conditioning/heating. Log fires look romantic, but are messy, not terribly efficient, and smelly. As recently as 30 years ago, air-conditioning was a rarity. All workers slaved away in hellish temperatures in the summer. Cars baked, shops were unbearable. Likewise, in winter, things were also uncomfortable. Before the advent of electricity, there were not many effective ways of heating up a freezing home.

Electrical household appliances. Think what it would be like to wash all your clothes by hand, having to sweep all the carpets, not having any way to refrigerate food, and having to light a fire when you felt like a cup of coffee. No more reheating of yesterday's leftovers, especially since you could not refrigerate them. Your life would be an endless series of household chores and never-ending drudgery. And the house still wouldn't really be clean.

Tampons. Tampons are unobtrusive, easy to use and a lot better than those pads with the loops. Remember them, or are you too young? Tampons are also infinitely preferable to what women used 150 years ago – an absorbent cloth, that was washed and re-used. Sounds like a lot of trouble. And pretty grim too.

Telephones, computers and e-mail. The joy of communication. Now you can phone your mother-in-law and tell her you're going to be late. You can keep in daily contact with your brother in Ontario and find out online what you need to know about hotels in Hoedspruit. In granny's time, letters took months between continents. And no sending SMSs or calling a friend just to chat. From a health perspective, importantly, there was no Health24 - no direct line to immediate, comprehensive, expert-reviewed health information.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Bras have been with us for a long time.

Historical records suggest that women have used some style of garment to lift, separate and restrict their breasts since 2000 BC. Comfort and fit were rarely considered important features until the early 1900's. Not so today. Comfort and fit have become more important to consumers and bra manufactures have responded by improving design and sizing. Still, there is much room for improvement in the fitting department.

There is also room for bra-wearing education. First, bra wearing is a choice, not a law. You do not have to wear one if you don't feel the need. Many women wear bras an unhealthy 24 hours a day, never allowing their breasts to have natural freedom. And even more women wear bras that fit poorly and leave marks and indents on their skin. This is particularly bad for blood and lymphatic system flow.

If you are going to wear a bra, shopping for the right bra will take time and patience. Try not to be tempted by the style, price or brand of a bra. If it hurts to wear, don't buy it. And if you buy a poorly designed or ill-fitting bra, return it. Bra consumers can greatly influence progress in the bra manufacturing sector by requesting better designed bras and rejecting ones that hurt or simply don't function properly.

If you are going to wear a bra, comfort comes from having a good fit. The bra band must fit snugly to the chest, just below the breast, so that your breast weight will be transferred to it. When the bra band is loose, the shoulder straps take the weight. This sets off a chain reaction of bad to worse. Shoulder straps get tightened, causing the back of your bra to ride up and the straps to dig into your shoulders.

Instead, with a proper fitting bra band, the breast weight is evenly distributed, the bra cups shape and hold your breasts and your shoulder straps do not dig into your shoulders. There are a vast array of styles, types, and specialty bras currently on the market.

When your bra dies and ceases to do its job, get rid of it!

Acknowledgement: thebreastsite.com

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

10 Sexy Commandments

Want to be better and more confident in bed? Make sure you follow these...

1. Thou shalt love thy body

A perfect body is not a prerequisite for good sex. But being comfortable with what you have is. You are never going to reach the heights of pleasure if you’re worrying whether your thighs look fat in a certain position. Or if you don’t breathe because you’re too busy sucking in your stomach or pushing out your boobs. A lot of women don’t enjoy foreplay because they are ashamed of their bodies. This is stupid. Stop doing it. We’re aiming for wild abandon here, folks. So start loving your body. And be thankful for what it does for you. And guys, don’t worry too much about the size of your penis. A confident, skilled lover can make up for a lot where you might lack in size.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Six simple put powerful suggestions for looking and feeling beautiful without even trying

1. Begin with your mind set and perceptions.

Reality is shaped by our perceptions and beliefs. Two people in the same environment will interpret the world very differently. Does a sunny day make you drone solemnly, run indoors and wish for cooler weather?

Or does it make you look forward to romantic picnics, afternoons at the beach and hiatuses from work? Same day … very different outlooks. In the same fashion, you are in complete control of how you perceive yourself. Your self-image manifests itself physically and emotionally. Generally, people will see you as you want to be seen.

How many women do you know who light up a room just by walking into it? Chances you're one of them. Ask people to describe someone like you and they use words like confident, energetic, positive, good-natured, and intelligent. You can't buy these traits in a store. They come though facing life head on, using positive affirmations and by proactively surrounding yourself with ideas and information that challenges, motivates and inspires you.

Sure, everyone has days where they just want to be alone. But by focusing on the upside to every opportunity and surrounding yourself with people who strive to do the same, your internal beauty will express itself in everything you do.

External beauty is fleeting. In a single breath it's gone from you forever. When it's gone, the real you has a chance to be seen. The loving, sensual, freckled you. The feeling, honest, fractured you. In the final analysis, physical beauty alone lacks the true majesty of a complete person who likes, loves and respects themselves.

2. Spend some time with people who appreciate you just the way you are.

It's mind boggling to me that so many women go to such great lengths trying to look like, talk like or act like someone completely different from who they really are.

Whether you're single or currently in a relationship, you need to be comfortable being real around others. It does you and your lovers no good to be anything anyone other than who you really are.

The key is to practice being who you are around men and women who won't judge you, ridicule you or expect you to put on a show.

Through my work as a natural healer, I've seen and worked on women of all body types. Each client is beautiful and unique just as she is.

Healing Touch sessions are emotionally therapeutic because they allow you to get comfortable having fun again without the pressures of intimacy. Healing Touch, Reiki and body awareness sessions also allow you to practice connecting with others, and just being yourself -- subtle dysfunctions included.

3. Compare yourself to you.

Many individuals spend their existence trying to emulate someone else. We live in a world of comparisons. Ironically, though, every person on this planet is different mentally, physically and emotionally (even identical twins).

So why tear the pages from a fashion magazine because you want to look "just like the person in the magazine"? There can only be one Tyra Banks, Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba or Michele Pfeiffer. Rather than wishing for a celebrity's hair, skin, clothing or bust size, celebrate your individuality.

You say your hips are too big or your legs are too thick? Compared to who? You say you have too many freckles or that your eyes aren't the "right" color? What universal law spells out the exact level of skin pigmentation or the optimal gene for blue eyes?

At the end of the day and there is no one in the room but you, then and only then, is the correct number of people present to determine whether you're gorgeous or not. There's really no such thing as a Plain Jane.

4. When selecting your wardrobe and accessories, stick with timeless essentials.

Women's fashion is a torturous affair. Keeping up with the last trends and fads can drive you mad and max out your credit card -- fast. One of the secrets to perennial beauty is to simply drop out of the fad marathon. Fill your closet with clothing that seldom goes out of style.

Additionally, invest in apparel that is well-made so that you never have to be torn between wearing an outfit that you paid too much for or tossing it.

Instead of hunting after the hottest designers, focus on how well the outfit compliments your features. Shop for quality by checking for uneven seams, hems and poorly constructed zippers. Test for wrinkle resistance and to see how well you can bend and function normally in your clothing.

Be honest with yourself. If you've gained a few inches since high school or college, so what? Bypass the too tight size six and get the better looking, and more comfortable ten. If those heels hurt when you try them on, chances are they'll always hurt.

No one else will have to endure the pain but you. And don't rationalize by how long you'll have to stand in the shoes either. It isn't worth it. It stands to reason that since beauty is more dependent upon how you feel, invest in clothing and accessories that makes you feel good.

5. Nourish your body, mind and soul.

I especially admire women who refrain from painting their faces in layers. It strikes me as a low self-esteem issue when women have to hide behind an inch of foundation, layers of lip goo, painted on eyebrows and half a tub of wrinkle concealer before walking out the front door.

Instead, it seems the best approach revolves around a little foundation, a light blush and a subtle lip gloss for even the fanciest occasions.

Invest in natural conditioners and moisturizers to keep your hair healthy and your skin supple. Clear skin is a much better alternative to caking your face and clogging your pores with makeup to hide pesky pimples. Rather than masking your innate beauty, use makeup sparingly to compliment your natural features.

We've all heard the popular saying, "Garbage in, garbage out." Keep this perennial truth in mind. The body tries to create a sense of balance by processing water and nutrients and eliminating harmful or unnatural materials.

The body takes whatever steps necessary to eliminate dirt, bacteria, useless fats and oils and excessive sugars and additives. Pimples, blotches, blackheads, warts and infections are often the by-products of poor body maintenance.

Next time you pull into your favourite fast-food place think how what your body will have to go through to deal with that greasy burger, fried chicken or poor excuse for a burrito.

Drink water instead of soda or sugar-laden fruit juices. Eliminate the majority of sugar from your diet. Even the artificial sweeteners have been shown to cause depression, anxiety, acne, word-recall problems and poisoning on a cellular level.

Exercise religiously. Walking burns fat calories wonderfully. If you're looking for a way to eliminate the appearance of cellulite then a targeted exercise program may be perfect.

Another way to burn calories includes frequent lovemaking (or lust making) sessions. Sex is also a mood enhancer and a great way to let go of anxiety or stress.

You should also find ways to laugh a lot. 100 hearty laughs has the same effect of 30 minutes of strenuous rowing.

Get into a regular massage or healing touch routine. Massage is awesome because it gives you a drug-free way to stay healthy, happy and focused. I suggest twice a month if you're experiencing higher than average stress or body pain.

A once a week session is also good to reconnect your body and soul and to help you to jumpstart the healing process necessary to enter into strong relationships.

Scheduling at least one 90-minute full body session a month is a decent way to manage your stress, escape from the craziness of the world, and keep your energy channels open.

All of these activities stimulate the production of seratonin and endorphins. High seratonin levels thwart the effects of depression. Exercise anyway you can get it. Doing so keeps your heart healthy, your mind clear and your waistline in control.

Enhance your nutritional intake with a daily vitamin routine. Men and women alike are generally too hurried to find the time to eat everything necessary to get the proper dosage of natural vitamins.

Your body is your temple; be mindful of what you expose it to. That includes the people you let near it, and the food, drugs and drink you put into it.

Twenty years from now, your body will reflect those days of tanning without sunscreen, drinking the appletinis every night at the club, or smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. It's your body, respect it.

Finally, read daily. Limit your exposure to the gossip mags and tabloids. Visit a bookstore or library and find a book on a subject you're deeply interested in. Share what you learn with others.

Keep reading (yes...audiobooks are great too), every day, for at least 20 minutes. Find time to be alone. Even if it's in your car, or in the bathroom, or alone in your cubicle. Silence is one of the most healing melodies in the world.

For your spiritual growth, study the sacred texts of various faiths and come to your own conclusions. Let your words and actions be the primary tools used to model and communicate your value systems.

Communicate with the Creator daily. The Creator is accessible 24/7 to every person. No intermediaries need be present to converse with the universe and ask for wisdom, protection and discipline.

6. Learn to smile.

In a recent study, men and women of all age demographics were asked what makes someone beautiful. An overwhelming majority responded that above all else, it was a great smile. Try it more often and you'll find your own self-image improving as well.

You'll work less too. Research shows that it takes twice as much energy to frown than to crack a smile. Next in the survey responses came personality, sense of humour and approachability.

Don't let anyone tell you that beauty comes in a vial of cream, syringe, tablet or a tube of lipstick. That $600 dress, though flattering, does not make you attractive.

Rather, your spirit and passion are the true litmus for beauty. As you successfully navigate your way through another hectic day of workplace and household pressures, look into the mirror and see yourself as the beautiful woman you already are.

And for an even clearer vision, stare into the eyes of your loved ones and behold the difference that your presence in their lives has made. Surround yourself with positive influences. Listen to your internal voice. You are beautiful. You are desirable. You are unique. You are special!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

10 Tips To Seduce A Man

In men’s eyes, women would be the amazing creature. Women may be confident to chase the proud feeling. However, when it comes to the specific method on how to seduce a man, many women may be helpless to collect enough tips. That would be the reason why only small group women may keep the fame like super stars for men. Here are 10 tips for your reference.

First of all, an attractive smell could be important stimulus for men. Generally speaking, men would be very sensitive to the specific perfume. A famous and branded perfume like Chanel would be proper as effective catalyst.

Another kind of elegant catalyst is the sexy type of fingernail oil. It is found that men are quite sensitive to colour change. The fingernail oil in sexy colors like brave red or charming purple may make a better effect.
In the social communication, it is also important for women to be in proper and charming dress to show off the special disposition. Classical red high heels are wonderful choices for office ladies easy-going but noble sense.

In the public feast or ceremony, a suitable and comfortable night dress would be quite nice to help women as beautiful princesses. Usually, women may prefer seeking the night dress in pure white, beige, light yellow or purple. Or, some creative design of night dresses would be also impressed.

No one could deny the amazing function of jewellery. A lovely pair of crystal earrings, the eye-catching necklace design or gorgeous bracelet may boost the visual effect of women dressing. How could men deny it?
Why not take a branded handbag? Common speaking, famous bag items from LV, Dior or Gucci etc. may greatly lift up the disposition of women. Such leather bag in sound quality may bring unique atmosphere for women to attract men.

For those fashionable women, a set of high-tech digital item like iPod touch would be helpful to make impressed image for the attraction of men who also prefer high-tech gadgets. Such trend would become more and more obvious in the modern life.

When coming back to the household life, sex lingerie would be necessary item to weak up mens interest. Nowadays, there are countless types of lingerie in designs and multiple shapes for selection. Braveness, wildness and nature could be the best summary of sex lingerie.

Finally, it is agreed that a set of delicious food made by women may always be charming to seduce men for the deep secret of safety demand. If you are good at cooking, nice performance on food taste may help you to get the heart of beloved man successfully.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

How to Pick Up Beautiful Women

For some guys, just the thought of going out there and trying to pick up beautiful women can make their hearts start to beat a little faster and make them sweat with anticipation. You have to get that under control if you want to discover how to pick up beautiful women. After all, when you seem to be nervous around a girl, not only does she notice this right away, it also tends to turn her off to you.

And that is NOT what you want to happen. Being able to pick up beautiful women is not something that most guys really ever assume that they can figure out. And when they assume that they cannot pick up beautiful women, they don't even try. You don't want to follow that crowd.

So, here are some guaranteed tricks to get that girl and show you how to pick up beautiful women:

1. You have to know how to approach women without FEAR.

When you show that you are nervous, intimidated, or whatever you wish to call it, you send an unconscious signal to the woman that you want to approach. And that signal says that you are somehow unworthy of her attention. Do you think this turns a girl on? Not in the least bit, buddy. When you have confidence around women and not fear, then you will be able to draw women like a magnet.

2. When you talk to her, seduction should be on your mind.

It's not enough to just have a friendly conversation with a woman. Not if you want to be successful picking her up. You have to keep in mind that what you really are after is to make her feel so attracted to you, that she is perfectly ripe for seduction. If you do not build that attraction with her, then all you can count on is friendship at the most.

3. You have to be able to read her body language.

Body language makes up more communication between a man and a woman than talking or anything else. But, most guys have no clue on how to read a woman's body language. If you want to be guaranteed to get the girl, then you have to know how to read her body language. Women give off subtle little clues all of the time and you can easily know exactly what to do to pick her up, just by reading those clues.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Body Make-Up Tips For A Glamorous Look

Mini-skirts, plunging necklines, sleeveless tops and revealing outfits are not just a celebrity's fashion wear today. Every girl wants to look like the glam goddess she admires on screen. With so many beauty products available in today's market, getting this look is not an impossible task.

Body make-up is a great way to camouflage your flaws and get the flawless look, you always wanted! Following a few body make-up tips and using quality products is all that you need to get the glamorous look.

Tips for a flawless body make-up:

1. The most basic step for a complete, flawless body make-up is to exfoliate and scrub yourself clean. Dry-skin and blackheads can be removed by this. Dermalogica exfoliating body scrub works very well and also leaves a behind a good fragrance.

2. Apply a good moisturiser and allow it to dry before you start applying foundation. Studio Moisture Tint SPF 15 from MAC gives flawless, yet moisturised look.

3. Choose two foundation shades for your skin, one a shade lighter than your skin and another one, a shade darker than your skin. Mix the two such that you get the same tint all over your body. Coverblend body make-up is just perfect to cover the ugly scars on your skin. Sheer leg make-up from MAC is also a good option.

4. Set the foundation by dusting it with powder. Remove excess powder with a make-up brush. Set Powder from MAC is effective in setting the make-up and even gives an ultra-silky look.

5. For best and non-staining results opt for water-proof cosmetics or spray-on variety make-up. Nars Body Illuminator from Sephora is just what you need to create a shimmering look.

After following these tips, you are all set to flaunt yourself and your body, when you are wearing your most glamorous outfit.

Acknowledgement: Oneindia

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

10 Great Ways to Feel Your Best - Every Day

Do you want to lead a happy, successful and balanced life, yet often find you lack the energy, time and motivation to do everything you'd like?

Sometimes the choices you make lead you even further away from goals. Following are ten practical and do-able suggestions for guiding your daily choices. Incorporating them into your life will bring a renewed sense of vitality and wellbeing; greater contentment with where you're at; more enthusiasm for where you're going; and a restored sense of balance in your life - less the stress!

1. Take Daily Actions toward Inspiring Goals

Having a goal that inspires you makes life much more fun and exciting. It doesn't matter how small your action is, but if you commit to doing one thing every day that moves you closer toward your goal, you'll feel a much greater sense of fulfilment and purpose.

2. Nourish Your Body Better

You can't do your best if you are low in energy or sick. If you take your health for granted and neglect your body it will eventually catch up on you. Nourishing your body with nutritious and fresh food washed down with plenty of water will give you increased vitality and stamina to accomplish your goals and better health and longevity in the longer term. As for your favorite 'not so healthy' treats, practice moderation.

3. Give up Complaining for Doing

Is there something you find yourself continually complaining about or annoyed by - a negative person, a situation, a dripping tap, or a noisy car? If so, ask yourself, "Is there something I can do so I won't need to tolerate this anymore?" If so, do it! Perhaps you need to have a conversation with someone to address an issue - do it now. Otherwise, if it can't be remedied, decide to accept it since complaining only perpetuates your suffering and drains those who have to listen to you.

4. Choose Uplifting Company

On that note, choose to spend as much time as possible with uplifting people who are positive about life and encourage you to live yours fully. Their energy is contagious and so too is that of 'energy drainers'. Minimize the time you spend with people who are forever whining about things, zapping you of your energy and enthusiasm.

5. Plan Ahead and Prioritize

There will never be enough time to do everything but there will always be enough time to do the most important things. However, using your time effectively requires that you clearly define your values and goals, and plan ahead. Consistently ask yourself "What is the highest value use of my time that will make the biggest difference in the longer term?" Don't fall into the trap of letting the urgent things continually distract you from the important.

6. Take "Time Out" for Just You

Nothing is more important than taking regular time out to catch your breath and 'regroup'. One simple yet effective de-stressing technique is to practice "conscious breathing", particularly when you're feeling overwhelmed, hurried or anxious. The simple act of just watching yourself breath slows and deepens your breathing. This extra oxygen in your lungs reduces your pulse and lowers your blood pressure so your heart doesn't have to work so hard.

Another habit to enrich your life is putting time aside daily, even just five minutes, to sit in silence. This will help clear your mind and rejuvenate your spirit. Finally, try journaling to provide greater clarity on where you are, where you want to go and the best way to get there.

7. Don't Over-Commit Yourself

By prioritizing the most important things in your life it is easier to say 'no' to things that are not aligned with what you value most. Before you say 'yes' to something, first consider what it will require you to say 'no' to. You are doing a disservice to everyone, yourself included, when you take on too much and get stressed out by trying to please everyone.

8. Nurture Your Relationships

Relationships are one of the richest sources of joy in our lives yet often the time we invest in them doesn't reflect their importance to us. Make a commitment to spend more time with those you value most in your life. This may require scheduling time in your diary rather than just waiting for a day when you (or they) have nothing else on. Practice listening more and speaking less, allowing yourself to be fully present and open to receiving the richness the time you share offers.

9. Exercise - Use the 1% Rule

You spend about 30% of your week sleeping so it seems reasonable that you could put aside just 1% of your week to exercise. That works out to be three ½ hour sessions (believe me, I've done the math). Exercise not only increases your energy but it reduces your blood pressure, keeps your heart in better shape and the 'feel good' endorphins it releases improve your mood. It's a no-brainer - so stop making excuses and get moving… today!

10. Let Go of Perfection

Focusing on what isn't 100% perfect in your life diminishes your ability to feel contentment and appreciation for all that is wonderful. Also if you need to have everything perfect before you move on to anything else you will get very little done. Give up doing what you believe others think you 'should' be doing or striving to achieve some arbitrary assessment of perfection. Instead, continually ask yourself, "What really and truly matters to me?"

By Margie Warrell

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why Men Like Porn

Most nights, after his wife, Kate, had gone to bed, Tom surfed the Internet for porn. Kate learned about this during their second session of couples therapy. Despite Tom's claims that his nocturnal habit had nothing to do with their love life, she worried he preferred porn to having sex with her.

That's a common reaction. "Often, one partner has a porn interest, and the other thinks that's a problem," says Russell Stambaugh, PhD, an Ann Arbor, Michigan-based psychologist and sex therapist. "It rarely is. The best studies suggest that only about 5% of porn users have a problem that interferes with their daily life."

That's good news, because a lot of people look at porn. According to the May 2004 Tracking Survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 26% of male Internet users visited adult websites (only 3% of women went to these sites). In 2006, the porn industry raked in nearly 13 billion dollars.

Men and Pornography: The Evolutionary Link

For most women, there's no need to worry. Whatever may be drawing a man to porn, it's seldom a reflection on his partner, says sex therapist Lonnie Barbach, PhD, in practice in San Francisco. "Some women feel threatened because they don't think they're as sexy as a porn star," she says. "But it's not about what he's not getting at home. It's the novelty. It's a turn-on."
Still, the question remains: Why do so many men like looking at pictures of naked people? That's not an easy question to answer. Porn-induced arousal has been linked to many parts of the brain. One recent theory holds that mirror neurons, brain cells that fire when an action is performed as well as when it's observed, play an important role in male arousal. But knowing what's fired up by porn doesn't tell us why our brains get turned on.
Stambaugh points to evolution. Men's brains, he says, are hard-wired for easy arousal, so that men are ready for sex whenever opportunity knocks -- a propagation-of-the-species thing. With online porn so readily at hand, vicarious opportunities -- cue the mirror neurons -- are ever present.

Once Kate realized that porn was not her replacement and Tom felt less ashamed about his habit, the couple talked more easily about their sex life. And that led to sexy outfits and a little experimentation in the bedroom. The porn was never the problem, Stambaugh says. "More often, the problem is how you talk and how you reveal yourself to each other."

Exploring Pornography

Thinking you might be interested in seeing what porn is like? Follow these guidelines to make it a positive part of your relationship.

Ladies' choice. Couples who want to try viewing porn together face a huge variety of choices. Men are easy to please, so it's best to find out what she likes. If she likes it, it's probably good enough for him.
Safety first. Unsafe sex is common in porn. It shouldn't be in your bedroom.

Time and money. If you're spending too much of either on porn, it often reflects a larger problem, like marital difficulties or a job loss.

By Matt McMillen

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Top 10 Reasons to Smile

Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile to improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness. Smiling is just one fun way to live longer read about the others and try as many as you can.

1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive

We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in (avoid these smile aging habits to keep your smile looking great).

2. Smiling Changes Our Mood

Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

3. Smiling Is Contagious

When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.

4. Smiling Relieves Stress

Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.

5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System

Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.

6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure

When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?

7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin

Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.

8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger

The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day you'll look younger and feel better.

9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful

Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.

10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive

Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.

By Mark Stibich

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tips to Reduce Everyday Mental Anxiety

Today’s daily pace may feel like it runs at over 100 mph and women everywhere are feeling the impact. Whether it comes out as anxiety or even pain, stress can engulf the average woman’s life quickly and without much warning. As doctors are learning more about stress, they often encourage those under a great deal of tension, to find ways in reducing the stress in their lives.

While tense parents can’t very well reduce their relationship with their children and employees can’t eliminate stress altogether at their job, there are simple and natural techniques of gaining effective stress reduction and overall stress relief. Anyone can overcome worry or nervousness and learn how to start coping and dealing with stress in positive and effective ways. These tips are useful stress reduction secrets that can help you get your life under control, getting you back on the road to relaxation and happiness.

Exercise & Meditation for Stress Free Life

Experts agree the number one way to reduce stress is surprisingly not involved with prescription medication. Instead, the best way to reduce stress in your life is by exercising. Yes, not only does exercise help you stay healthy and look great, but it also encourages your body to produce natural stress-relieving hormones. Relaxation holistic exercises including Pilates, yoga and mediation are the perfect solutions for those wanting to be stress-free and stay healthy.

Work place Choices to Reduce Anxiety

Work place stress is among the most commonly mentioned when discussion tension. Many people find their job overwhelming, with mental stress in the workplace spreading through all industries. While you can’t likely quit working there are techniques you can do to reduce your work related stressors. First, bringing work home is a big mistake. If you aren’t required to work at home, there is no reason to bring work from the office to your house. Many people find it difficult to set time boundaries when it comes to their job, and thus find themselves working non-stop at the office and at home. Choose to set stopping times and stick to them. Remember, while work is important, it can certainly wait until the morning.

Healing Diet & Eating Habits

Studies now show a person’s diet can directly affect their behavior. This is most often studied in children with conditions such as autism, however it directly relates to healthy adults as well. Proper eating habits can do wonders for your stress level. Not only will you look and feel better, but when you properly fuel your body, you’ll have more energy to get things done. Your life will be efficient and ultimately less stressful. Eliminating refined sugar, caffeine and un-whole wheat is a terrific way to begin your new stress-free life plan.

Healing Workshops and Stress Reduction Clinics

You may want to bond over stress-relief concepts. If so, sign up for a local healing workshop. These classes are offered all around the world and can provide you with wonderful methods of controlling stress. You can often find information on them at your local health clinic.

Useful Stress Relief Devices

If you’re the type of person that tends to get a bit aggressive when you get overwhelmed, think about purchasing a squeeze reliever. These squishy balls are perfect to take your aggression out on when you’re feeling as if you need a time out. Although the concept seems quite juvenile, you’ll be shocked to notice how great it feels to squeeze one when you’re feeling out of control.

Natural Herbal Stress Management

Sure, prescription stress medications are necessary for some people. But, if you are under a normal amount of stress and are otherwise healthy you may want to forgo the chemicals and stick with herbal assistance. Herbs like St. John’s Wort, Black Seed and Chi Herbal are the perfect solution for those who’d rather take the natural route.

Monday, August 8, 2011

6 Marriage Mistakes Women Make

Attention, married women: What you don't know about marriage may spell trouble.

For instance, if you don't speak up for what you want, your husband is flying blind -- and not likely to deliver. And the way you talk about your issues may be making matters worse. And then there's the bedroom.

Getting married is easy. Being married can be trickier. Here is some expert advice to avoid or correct six common mistakes that can cost a marriage, or at the least, weaken its foundations. Whether it's you or your spouse making these mistakes, taking positive action can make a big difference.

Some wives are too willing to give up on what they want, says Susan Heitler, PhD, a Denver-based clinical psychologist and author of www.poweroftwo.org, a marriage skills-building course.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Top 10 Things You Must Know About Sunscreen

We all know we are supposed to wear sunscreen to protect our skin from sunburns, premature aging, wrinkles and skin cancer. What most people don’t know is without the right sunscreen products and application you aren’t actually getting adequate sun protection. Follow these sunscreen tips below to get the best protection while enjoying the sunshine.

1. Sunscreen should have a minimum of 30 SPF, anything less than that might as well be tanning oil.

2. Sunscreen over 50 SPF isn’t worth the extra money.  SPF 50 already protects you from 98% of the sun’s rays.  Costing an extra couple bucks, 70 SPF gives you less than 1% more protection than 50 SPF.

3. Purchase sunscreens that offer “broad spectrum protection” to shield skin from both UVA and UBA rays (UVA causes wrinkles and UVB causes sunburns and both can cause cancer).

4. You must reapply sunscreen every two hours to keep skin protected.

5. Water, sweat and moisture degrade the effectiveness of sunscreen, so reapply more often than every two hours in wet or moist conditions.

6. It takes about a “shot glass” full of sunscreen to properly cover your body with sun protection.  If you apply too thin of a layer, you reduce the SPF factor of the sunscreen.

7. Sunscreen bottles exposed to heat and sun have a reduced effectiveness to protect you from UVA and UVB rays.  The sunscreen ingredients are broken down by sun, heat and moisture.

8. Sunscreens don’t last forever! Check the sunscreens expiration date before using.  In generally, you should purchase new sunscreen each summer.

9. Most sunscreens take 20-30 minutes after application to absorb into the skin and reach their full sun protection potential.  Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before you plan to be in the sun.

10. You still need sunscreen on a cloudy or fogger day. Even if the sunshine is not directly hitting your skin the UVA and UVB rays are, so apply sunscreen when you plan to be outdoors.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Why Are Men Attracted To Breasts?

Why are men attracted to breasts? Rather than looking into the eyes, men often are more interested in staring at the boobs below the neck while talking to a girl. So, what is it about the big breasts that attract men towards women?

It is men's nature to look and get attracted to women's breasts. They feel the main attraction of women is her breasts which connects her femininity and sexuality. Men love a nice cup shape and size of women boobs.

Read further . . . . . 

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Women are complex creatures, sometimes frustratingly so. There are times when we make the men in our lives want to throw up their hands in defeat and say, "I'll just never understand what women want!"

Don't give up hope. Sometimes the key to understanding your girl is to read between the lines of what she's saying to discover what she really means.

It's not entirely our fault that we have this round about way of communicating. Boys are taught from a young age that asking for what they want is the best way to get it, while girls are encouraged to use our "feminine wiles" to maneuver our way into what our heart desires.

It doesn't help that a straightforward persistent woman in our society is often tagged with unfair labels like "bitch" or "ball breaker". So instead of being direct, we sometimes take the long way to getting to what we really mean. To help you understand, there are certain things you can look for to help you decode the meaning behind your girlfriend's words.

She Wants To Be Babied

"I had a really busy day" = "I need some pampering"

When your girl complains about her long hard day, there's a good chance it's not just to get it off her chest. She wants you help her relax, but instead of just asking you for a back massage, or to run her a hot bath, she feigns helplessness so you'll be able to sweep in as her man and fix everything for her.

It's hard for a modern feminist woman to ask for help from her man. We all want to believe we can take care of ourselves, but there are times when we just want to be coddled a little bit. So, instead of being annoyed by her whining, do the smart thing and ask her what she needs to unwind. Trust me, you'll reap the rewards later.

It's Time to Talk

"I don't feel like talking" = "I really NEED to talk"

You can tell something is bothering your girl, but when you ask she says nothing is wrong. Don't be fooled, she really does need to talk. She just wants you to press her a little. If you insist on asking what's wrong it convinces her that you really want to hear about her problems and help resolve them.

Try to encourage her to open up without nagging. Instead, let her know that you are concerned and open to listening. She really does want to tell you about the fight she had with her best friend or how much getting passed over for that promotion at work upset her, but unless you show genuine interest, she'll probably keep it bottled up.

The only time this translation may not be accurate is when she's upset about something you did. In this case, she may really need some space and time to think before she confronts you with it.

She's Feeling Insecure

"I'm not jealous" = "I need reassurance"

You've just run into your ex-girlfriend while walking down the street with your current one. You can tell that the unexpected meeting has your girl frazzled, but she insists she's not threatened.

What NOT to do in this situation is accuse her of being mistrustful or joke about how cute she is when she's jealous. The right thing to do here is to reassure her of your love and devotion without being too obvious about it. Try something like, "Wow, seeing Suzy again just makes me realize how perfect you and I are together."

She Wants to Get Serious

"So are we like together?" = "I want a commitment"

Stereotypically, guys are all commitment phoebes while their girls are fervently awaiting him dropping to one knee in the perfect moment of romantic dedication. This may not be universally true, but there's a good chance she's looking toward the next stage in your relationship before you've even entertained the concept.

Not wanting to come on too fast or too strong, she'll probably be fairly hesitant to come right out and say she'd like to be your girlfriend or that she thinks that it's time you moved in together. Make it easy on her by being honest and clear about your feelings and intentions. If you're not quite ready to pledge monogamy, say so, but tell her that you think it's a big step, something you don't want to take lightly.

Ask for some time to think about it. Never make a commitment that you're not willing to follow through on. If you're not done playing the field, don't give the impression that you are. It will only lead to heartbreak.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

5 Flirting Styles: What Type of Flirt Are You?

Ever wondered what kind of flirt you might be? Researchers have identified five styles of flirting and they say understanding how you communicate romantic interest may help you improve your chances in love.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Communication and Romantic Intimacy

Why do some people seem to get everything they want in the way of romantic intimacy, while others cannot get even what they need? Being sexually successful is not a matter of how you look, how old you are, or how much you earn. It is more about your attitude, manners, and social skills.

Here are 10 common sense tips on negotiating your way to great romantic intimacy.

1. First impressions count. Look and act your best. This is not the time to beat yourself up about your imperfections or to take out your frustrations with the world. This is the time to let a partner know that you are ready and able to have a fun time.

2. Pay attention. Take a few minutes to absorb some information about your potential partner. Get a sense of the kind of person she or he is – shy or aggressive, extroverted, or reserved? Then fine-tune your approach to him or her. People are not interchangeable; so do not treat everyone exactly the same way.

3. Be complimentary. Find something about the person that you like. Does he or she have nice hair or lovely eyes, a great figure or beautiful hands? Are they spiritual, intelligent, or funny? Learning to appreciate people’s qualities, and letting them know you do, is key to success in your romantic endeavours.

4. Leave the negativity at home. The kiss of death is when you bring tired old baggage into play. Romantic intimacy is about pleasure, fun, relaxation, healing, and connecting with another human being. Do not talk about your bad relationships or gas prices, bar fights or work frustrations. Focus on the good times you can have with this person, and not the bad times you have had with others.

5. Flirt. A whole book could be written on the subject, but suffice to say that flirting puts people in a good mood and warms them up sexually. Flirting includes can include paying compliments, making teasing comments or light-hearted jokes, and talking about fantasies or things you would like to do together. It does NOT include demeaning jokes, insults, or obscene language.

6. Ask for what you want. Asking does not guarantee you will get it, but it certainly improves your chances. Show or tell your lover what things excite you the most. If your partner needs some convincing, take baby steps towards your ultimate goal.

7. Control yourself. The difference between immature romantic intimacy and adult romantic intimacy is that adults learn to control their impulses. Unfortunately, way too many adults keep acting sex-crazed and immature long after it is acceptable or attractive. Sexual excitement is no excuse for trying to force someone to do things that make him or her uncomfortable. When your partner says "no" to something, accept the limit and gracefully and move on to something else. Rude or abusive behaviour are not appreciated or tolerated.

8. Don’t confuse fantasy with reality. You meet an incredibly desirable person and, in your mind, you just know you would have mind-blowing romantic intimacy together. You are lucky if you do. Do not ruin your chances with them by assuming that YOUR fantasy obligates THEM to fulfil it. Instead, feel them out – are they getting the same vibes? Does your idea turn them on as much as it does you? Talk it over before trying to talk them into it.

9. Set limits on both sides and stick to them. Communicate clearly about what you like and dislike, what words or fantasies are exciting and which ones are not. Remember that what is hot to one person could be like a cold shower to another. If your partner lets you know that he or she does not want to act out a particular, fantasy or engage in a particular act, do not try to force them into it. You can always find someone else who is more compatible with you and will be delighted to indulge you.

10. Be polite. Some of the sexiest words in any language are "Please," "thank you," and "you’re welcome." No matter how raunchy the situation, politeness shows that you respect your partners and value their company, and it makes you look classy. Your positive energy will make them trust you more and grow more open to trying new and exciting things with you.

Acknowledgement: KissMeGoodnight.com