Monday, June 11, 2012

You are as beautiful as you want to be

After a certain age, you get the body and face you deserve.

So, it is up to you to decide which body you want. Do not allow stress, discontent or self-pity get the better of your body. Remember, even when you are young and may be in your twenties, it will be very hard to look young and vital when these tensions mirrored on your face.

How you feel, think and look at any age is what is important. The roles that that were once reserved for the young  - career girl, lover, mother – can now be undertaken almost through-out life. There many women who stay young, beautiful and sexy. 

To succeed in keeping the looks and sexiness at any age is not that difficult. You must be interesting and alive. Your image and the projection of that image has more to do with personality, presence, vital good looks and a breezy mind than actual beauty. That thing we called sex appeal is a sort of maturity, meaning a woman of any age must have self-confidence, you must know yourself and you must have experience.

The state of your body, the way you dress it and the impact of your face all reveal your self-esteem. Are you keeping track of your health, your fitness, and your looks? You must be sensible and observant and follow daily routines that are realistic and you must realize that it is your attitude that counts most of all. 

It is your lifestyle that primarily dictates the length and health of your life. The following are the main contributors to a healthy life:

·         A simple diet of natural foods, low in fat, high in vegetables, grains and fruits
·         Plenty of exercise and outdoor work
·         A stress-free relaxed attitude with a philosophical view of events
·         Awareness of being useful, needed and loved
·         A degree of genetic influence

The basis of it all is coming to terms with your individual character. This is more than finding yourself. Knowing your character is recognizing good and bad points, realizing what can be controlled and what runs wild. It is learning to balance life’s ups and downs and working out how fit in with others close to you – how to love them, live them, give and receive from them. Life is essentially a compromise and it’s only as you grow older that you finally accept this is true.

Do not dwell on imperfections. It is adolescent to be obsessed with what are invariably imagined major flaws. Take stock once and for all and decide what is realistic to change and set positive goals. 

Learn to love yourself and your body.