Monday, June 4, 2012

Sexy Body Language


How is your body language?

By simply learning a few secrets, you can instantly make a greater impression, allowing you to stand out from the crowd. It is possible for any woman to become more attractive through many ways, but body language is one of the most important factors to boost your attractiveness and make a more striking first impression.

Plant yourself when standing still

Place your feet slightly wider apart than natural, this will stop you from shifting your weight. Notice how your feet feel planted. You will feel much more stable allowing you to stand for longer periods of time, and appear stronger. This technique is used by martial artists, as a solid base increases your balance and ability to deal with anything that comes your way.

Do not touch your face, fidget, or fiddle

How do you normally hold your hands? Twitching and fidgeting makes you look nervous, which is usually unattractive to the sub-conscious mind. The best way to learn this is to go out and observe, as it’s easier to see it in other people. If you have trouble stopping your “nervous twitch” try keeping your hands by your sides with your thumbs placed between the index and middle fingers on each hand. This should remove, or at least reduce, the need for your fingers to constantly be doing something.

Whatever you do, don’t look down

Just like when you are hanging off a cliff! Keep your head held upright. If you feel the need to look away, look up or sideways, but never look down! Looking down is a proven sign of weakness and submission, which is generally a killer in the dating game.

Make slow head movements

Women of high status everywhere: on film, in business, and in your social circle all have certain traits in common. One of these is slow, smooth movements. Don't jerk and jolt your head around as though you've been drinking caffeine all day, instead look around slowly and smoothly. Smoothness and lack of fidgety movements are the main factors.

Walk more slowly and smoothly

This makes you come across more high-status. A sense of quiet confidence is given off just by behaving more comfortable and smoothly. When out in a bar or club, slow it down even more and you will stand out from other people who are rushing around frantically... remember, you are important enough that people will wait for you, you don’t need to hurry...

Don’t hold a drink in front of your chest

Whilst holding a drink, hold it down by your side, or somewhere other then in front of your chest. In body language, this is a blocking /defensive posture that causes you to appear weak.
Remember, combine all the above-mentioned with killer sexiness!