Saturday, February 25, 2012

Have a workout at work

You spend one-third of your day at work, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend that time without exercise. Knowing a few simple tips will help you fill your days with efficient exercise breaks that not only keep you fit but relieve stress, too.

Anyone who has tried to start a new exercise routine knows that half the battle is just getting you to stick with it.Try these suggestions to keep yourself on track:

- Let your first step be two minutes of walking. Get off the bus one stop earlier.
- Use small holes in your schedule- between meetings or appointments, for example – to stretch your limbs or do simple exercises.
- Join a gym. Working out after work gives you an excuse to leave the office at a reasonable hour.
- When traveling on business, consider staying in hotels that have gyms.

People exercise regularly when reminded to do so. Maybe you need to find the right reminder:
§  Wear a watch with beeper.
§  Write a reminder on your desk calendar.
§  Put a note to yourself in your in-basket.
§  Ask a co-worker to remind you at a certain time.

Think of your exercise time as a break from your workday, not as a chore. The following 5 exercises outline a simple routine that you can do at your desk to stretch out those stiff muscles:

ü  Clock Stretch: This neck stretch is excellent for relieving the day’s tensions. Imagine you are facing the hands of a huge clock. Turn your head to the left to look at nine o’ clock then look to the right, to three o’clock. Look up to 12 o ‘clock and then down to six o’clock. Do the movements slowly, feeling the stretch in your neck muscles.
ü  Shoulder Shrugs: Hunch your shoulders, moving them upwards. Then rotate them forwards, down, back, and up to your ears three times.
ü  Apple Picker:  Stretch your arms as though you were picking apples from a tree. Stand or remain seated as you reach up with your left arm, then, with your right, stretching as far as you comfortably can.
ü  Shoulder Stretch:   While standing, reach behind you, grasping your hands behind your back. With your hands joined, lift them up as far as they will comfortably go. You should feel a stretch in the front of the shoulders.
ü  Simple massage: With your fingertips, massage the muscles between your shoulder blade and spine. Use firm, circular movements, paying attention to any tenderness or knots you might, feel.

When doing any of these exercises, move only as far is comfortable for you. Stop if you feel pin of great discomfort.

Any exercise counts. The benefits of simple routines, such as stretching or taking short walks, will add up when they are done often throughout the day.