Saturday, April 28, 2012

You and your self-esteem

What is self-esteem?

Self-Esteem is the way you look at and feel about yourself. It means to value something or someone, thinking and believing that that something or someone is of great importance.

If you are always fighting with yourself and feeding yourself thoughts that make you feel less valuable or not as important or attractive as other people, then you are suffering from Low Self-Esteem. Unfortunately, most people suffer from this, but the good news is, you can kick low self-esteem out of your life, inviting and living a high self-esteem instead. You might have even tried giving your self-esteem a boost, but were later disappointed to see that it did not quite work out the way you imagined.

Like every other person, you have probably adapted and grown to believe that feeling insecure and feeling that you are not good enough is normal and impossible to beat; therefore you just accept it and set an subconscious rule that you need to and deserve to feel badly and poorly when you look at yourself.

The thing about low self-esteem is, that is cannot be cured in one day, or even soon for that matter. When working on achieving high self-esteem, know that it can never and will never be achieved as long as you keep negative ingredients involved, such as giving up.

What does matter and needs to be realized is that you have chosen to stay in negativity for so long, that you have become so comfortable with the fact that you do not like yourself. t, that you now crave and need to feel sorry for yourself and subconsciously enjoy victimizing yourself and grabbing negative attention from others.

Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you do not feel sorry for yourself anymore and that you have the power and strength to feel and be happy, confident, and successful, and you will do it because you are valuable and deserve it, just as anyone else would.

So do not be afraid to face yourself, and every time you do look at yourself and observe the things that go on around you, take notes of the positive things and the things you do like and admire about yourself. You might have even tried giving your self-esteem a boost, but were later disappointed to see that it did not quite work out the way you imagined.

Like every other person, you have probably adapted and grown to believe that feeling insecure and feeling that you are not good enough is normal and impossible to beat; therefore you just accept it and set an subconscious rule that you need to and deserve to feel badly and poorly when you look at yourself.

The thing about low self-esteem is, that is cannot be cured in one day, or even soon for that matter.

When you do come to times where you are not satisfied with the way you look or the things you have done, shift your mind and soul over to a positive side, pointing out the things you are happy with and feel great about, and always reward yourself for it.

Lastly, make your presence appear only around other positive people and other positive energies.

Maintaining a healthy and high self-esteem will be successful if you continue to motivate and encourage it. 
