Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tell Her You Love Her

This is for the romantic fools like me!

o   Always laugh at her jokes.
o   Tell her (truthfully) that you can't wait to see her again.
o   Offer her a backrub, without asking for one in return.
o   Call her just to say you were thinking about her.
o   Bring her a teddy bear and chicken soup when she's sick.
o   Write her a poem.
o   Slow dance with her (not only on a dance floor).
o   Bring her flowers for no reason.
o   Send her a (handwritten) letter just to say hello.
o   Always remember your anniversaries and bring her something sweet.
o   Kiss her in the middle of a sentence.
o   Take her for a walk at sunset and stay to look up at the stars.
o   Tell her something about you that no one else knows.
o   Remind her that you still think she's beautiful.
o   Take a bubble bath together.
o   Watch a sappy movie with her.
o   Surprise her with a candle light dinner.
o   Never stop trying to impress her.
o   Tell her you love her

Never forget how much she means to you.

Remember, love each other, embrace each other!!