Sunday, May 19, 2013

How to Take Care of Acne

Acne is an inflammatory condition often brought about by sensitivity to androgen hormones in the body. The result is blackheads and blemishes which are mild cases. However, in severe cases there may be inflamed pustules and cysts.
There is a definite link between acne and stress. The reason is that with acne there may be a bacterial content present on the skin. When stressed this bacteria react to the sebum levels in the skin.

Taking care of the problem

The first reaction to acne may be to start cleaning the skin. Over cleansing the skin is a common mistake and actually leads to over stimulating the production of oil and skin dryness.
Always choose natural plant-based products for optimal healing. A gentle milky cleanser or gel is recommended and remember, never use abrasive scrubs on the skin.
Allow you skin to breathe. Fresh air and a bit of sunlight have immune-stimulating properties.
Tea tree, lavender, myrrh, chamomile and calendula are healing oils and mixed with jojoba and rosehip carrier oils it will encourage healing and also have an antibacterial effect on the skin.
Remember, even an oily skin needs oil. Most people neglect this when they have an oily skin. Plant and essential oils are strongly anti-bacterial and also promote new cell growth. Do not worry, it will not interfere with the natural oil flow of the body, as they won’t congest or block pores.
Skin grows from the inside out - therefore, make sure you have a sufficient intake of nutrients to assist with the strengthening and healing. Always eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and remember the eight glasses of water per day! Try to avoid processed foods and excess sugars.
Lastly, deal with your stress. Physical and mental stress go hand in hand.

Recipes 101

Danie de Villiers