Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to Keep the Flames of Romance Burning

Here is valuable advice on how to keep the eternal flames of romance burning!

1. Admire yourself

Stop complaining about your weight or cellulite in the morning. A minute before you start all the activities, go to the mirror without any clothes. Look at yourself in the mirror and say ‘beautiful me.”  If you feel comfortable with your body, so will he!

2. Take the Lead

Take the lead, set your living room to a dance floor with a soft light and romantic song. Ask him to dance; he will never refuse especially when you are just wearing lingerie.

3. Make your bedroom enticing

You can change the atmosphere of your bedroom with some aromatherapy candles and pick a pink or red bed-sheet.

4. What about sexy underwear?

Pick the sexiest underwear you have and describe to your husband about the color and how does it look to your body, a minute before he goes to the office.

5. Let your body smell good

The smell of your body is one of the greatest sex appeal which someone has. So, you have to keep smelling good and sexy.

6. Give him a hot massage

You may believe it or not, but man love to be caressed. It is because he believes that a loving touch means you love him so much. Therefore, when he relaxes at the couch, just come and softly caress his hair. Don’t forget the hot massage to make him more relaxed. 

7. Stay charming

Get rid of messy hair, oily skin and bad smell of mouth.  You should take care of your body and appearance. If you love to perform without make up, you should surprise him with a dandy make up. It is more than enough to use a natural make up.