Saturday, December 31, 2011

Your beautiful body

You are born to love your body – that is the way we were created. Just ponder a moment what your body does each day, it is not just an ornament of beauty, it is an instrument of life! Handle it with care and let others respect it.

Always respect yourself and judge yourself as a whole person, not just as a body with defects – moles, pimples, fats, etc. Act the as if you had the perfect body. Do not let your weight or shape keep you from doing things you enjoy. Count your blessings, not your blemishes.

Pamper your body, do something that will let you enjoy your body: stretch, dance, walk, sing, take a bubble bath, get a massage, have a pedicure. Keep your head held high, be proud and confidence in yourself as a person. Wear comfortable sexy and feminine clothes that you really like and that feel good to your body - clothes that would give you feelings of power, strength, and comfort. Become the expert on your body – let your beauty and individuality shine!

Find a method of exercise that you enjoy and do it regularly. Do not exercise to lose weight or fight your body -- exercise to love your body. You must be your body's ally and advocate, not the enemy.

Let your body radiate the message, "I'm beautiful inside and out."

Remember this: "Beauty is only skin-deep."