Friday, October 7, 2011

Foreplay and love

If you are truly interested in improving your sex life, remember this: “Foreplay begins with taking out the garbage without being asked!” You must be willing to give your partner what she needs on a practical and emotionally level. This means connecting with her emotionally outside of the bedroom, in ways that she needs. She needs to hear you say, “I love you.” She needs to be appreciated; to hear that the house looks great after she’s spent all day cleaning; to hear that she is still beautiful to you. She needs to see you “take the initiative” and share in the responsibilities of the home, including the household chores. She needs you to notice her new hairdo; to pick up the kids after soccer practice.

It is easy to couple with someone emotionally for the time it takes to have sex. But what about foreplay? What about making love? Foreplay isn't just removing clothing so that you can have sex. Foreplay is doing whatever your lover needs to feel ready to make love. Most often it has more to do with how she is treated outside the bedroom than inside it.

Read this beautiful article: Being a woman