Wednesday, February 15, 2012

You are Beautiful!

We all want to be beautiful. That is human nature. We constantly deal with beauty issues like what is best for our skin and what makeup is best.

However, look at yourself in the mirror and see how pretty you are, even without all the makeup, because true beauty comes from within us.

There are days where you may think that you're not very pretty because of not having a good hair day or having bags under your eyes due to lack of sufficient sleep. Sometimes those things are true, but really, no one cares if you put tons of makeup on just to cover up physical flaws because inside we are all pretty in our special way.

Always be who you are, because we all carry a unique quality and style that lies inside each of us and that is your true beauty.

Food for thought


Friendship is a wealth, so, it should be utilized properly. It needs a commitment. To keep it fresh and sustainable we have to take some responsibilities. If anybody considers friendship as an opportunity, it will die within a short time.