Sunday, February 26, 2012

Take control of your own romantic needs

One way to get your man in your life to take notice of the romantic you is to romance yourself. You deserve it and if he is not going to do it for you, you can do it for yourself. Start out by getting yourself into shape both physically and mentally, change what you can and want to change and learn to accept the things that cannot be changed.

Get comfortable with your naked body and decide that you want to have a great sex life. Get a makeover; change your hairstyle and even your hair colour. Go for a day at the spa. Pamper yourself.

Get moving, exercise for a strong healthy and sexy body. Take dance classes that really get you moving like a Latin or salsa class or a belly dancing class, something with moves you can use in the bedroom. Then go shopping and buy some new stylish and sexy clothing, especially sexy underwear and lingerie.

You should be becoming more confident and feeling sexy. He should start to notice the changes in you too. Maybe he will wonder what is going on. Buy yourself flowers and send yourself gifts. I hope that by now he is taking the hint and sending some of his own style of romance your way.

Never give up, make the first move with him. Most men love nothing more than having their woman desire them and come after them. Sometimes the hunter really enjoys becoming the hunted. This will surely make him take notice. Be a little aggressive with him. Take charge. He will be surprized at the new you and you’ll have him eating out of your hand.

Sometimes it is not even the man that needs prompting with the romance, it is us. We get bogged down with the kids, home, and work and forget that we are sexual creatures with needs. Our sexuality gets placed on the backburner after everything else that needs to be taken care of. By learning to romance yourself and put your needs and desires at the top of the list, romance and passion from your partner are sure to follow.