Learn to be good to yourself, develop self-acceptance, self-trust,
self-respect, and self-love.
Make a list of all your achievements and successes so far in
your life, believe in yourself, and know that you deserve the best. Go for
every opportunity, take risks, have powerful self-belief. Reward yourself
frequently and congratulate every achievement, no matter how big or small.
Be positive at all times and stay away from negative people.
Negative people dilute your dreams and their negativity will rub off on you.
Recognise and respect your feelings and listen to your body
and mind. Pay attention to your dreams – they are your subconscious messages.
Trust your gut instincts.
Learn to say no and teach other people how to treat you. If
you let others treat you badly, they will carry on. Set boundaries, be assertive,
and calm. Explain to people the behaviours and languages they use are no longer
Relax and enjoy yourself and allow good things to enter your
life. Be open to new ideas. Learn from every situation.
Be happy that you are doing your best. That is all you can
ever do. Do not set impossible standards. Ask for help or support if you need
Get rid of anything you have not worn, looked at or used in
the last 12 months.
Make time to switch off. Stop thinking about work when you
are at home or home when you are at work. Focus on one task at time.
Take time to sit down and eat breakfast. Write a 'to do'
list for that day. Do not worry. Worrying is wasted energy.
Have a warm bath with scented oils, candles, and soft music.
Nourish your mind and body.
Get enough sleep and rest. Eat well and you will be more
active, feel and look much better.
Every aspect of your life will become more manageable,
happier and more fulfilled.