Thursday, May 25, 2017

Steve Harvey and a heart-warming reunion between two women

Yesterday (24 May) I watched a rerun episode of the Steve Harvey Show Steve on which he hosted a heart-warming reunion between a woman and the nurse who helped her through a triplet pregnancy, 18 years ago! It was a beautiful show and I want to share it with my readers!

RUTH YEBOAH moved to the United States from Ghana in her ‘20s and shortly after, discovered she was pregnant with triplets! Her family was far away and she was scared to be in a new country. A kind nurse named RUTH MILANAIK not only helped her through her pregnancy, but helped to secure donations of diapers, formula, food and clothes to give her babies a good start in life. Ruth Yeboah was so inspired by Ruth Milanaik’s generosity that she went on to become a nurse herself and even started a clinic back in Ghana to help young pregnant women!  This reunion between nurse and patient, nearly 20 years in the making was indeed heart-warming!!

The Life Center of Ghana, a  Non-Profit organization was formed by Ruth Yeboah and a group of social workers and nurses in January 2000 with initial membership of 15 PLHIV (People Living with HIV/AIDS) who came together to share their experiences and discuss issues of concern, including health, nutritional, economic and socio-cultural issues. Programs were designed to support teenage mothers to obtain vocational training to support themselves and their children.

Well done both the Ruth’s and Steve Harvey!
