Monday, April 2, 2012

How to Make Your Own Lavender Oil

Lavender scented water brings back fond memories. This is an easy to make recipe for your own lavender oil.

My grandmother always had a bottle of lavender perfume or scented water as it was called back then and every morning she would dab her handkerchief with a few drops of it and then place the hankie under her watchband on her wrist. Wherever she went, you could smell this heavenly aroma of lavender. It is now more than 30 years that she passed on but in my mind’s eye, I can still see this frail little woman with the heavenly scent follow her the entire day.

Lavender is a well-known flower, famous for its aroma and healing powers. It has the following benefits:
·         Anti-inflammatory
·         Antiseptic
·         Relaxing
·         Soothing
·         Aromatic

In the 19th Century, women of stature even used lavender-scented ink to write letters. Even athletes can attest to the goodness of a lavender massage before and after exercise, which helps to reduce muscle ache and leave skin soft.

But back to its aromatic attributes; here is a recipe to make your own lavender oil:

1.  Remove enough fresh lavender flowers from their stalks to fill one teacup and place it in a glass bowl. (You can also use dried lavender flowers).
2. Add 500 ml olive oil to the flowers and cover the bowl. Leave as is to infuse in a sunny place for at least two weeks. (You can also use sweet almond oil.)
3.   After the two weeks strain the mixture through filter paper and bottle. (Should you need stronger oil you must repeat the process using the already strained oil to infuse another cup of lavender flowers.)

It is ready to use!
