Friday, June 10, 2011

What women say and what they mean

Most women have a tendency to read too much into what a man says. He says, ”I like your couch” and she hears “When can I move in?” Or he says, “I don’t feel like going out tonight” and she hears “I want to end this relationship”. With some exceptions, men mean what they say. They might sometimes be mean in what they say, but they tend to be quite honest and straightforward. When they say they like the couch, most of the time that is what they mean. They like the couch. That’s it.

We women are more complex creatures when it comes to communicating. Not only are we scared to offend most of the time, but we weigh up the consequences of what we say to such an extent, that by the time we get to saying it, it has been diluted. Or it is so tentative that the message we want to get across gets lost completely in the padding. Afterwards, we have a tendency to hold the other person responsible for not responding to our needs.