Thursday, April 4, 2013

Listen to Your Body

Always listen to your body and know your body - it will tell you in time when it will need some time out and some nurturing.

Be kind to yourself. Do not compare yourself with elusive images of the perfect models you see on TV or in magazines, but rather acknowledge your own beauty. Remember, you will be less able to see beauty in others if you cannot see it in yourself first. 

Receive compliments with ease. Smile and say thank you when someone comments on how great you look or what a good job you have done. Avoid throwing the compliments back in their face by seeking another or dismissing it altogether. 

It is great to hear positive things about yourself. Acknowledging and receiving compliments with grace is a powerful thing. When you start to acknowledging your own beauty, and treating yourself as if you are your best friend, you will instantly start to feel better. 

Feel good and you will look good. Beauty is illuminated when you feel good about who you are. It shows in your posture, the way you walk, even the way you talk.