Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How To Avoid Pregnancy Stress

Stress during pregnancy is associated with miscarriage, preterm labour and lower birth weight, according to research. So, make a point of taking some time out - for yourself and your baby.

·         check with your doctor first, but try to do 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week;

·         talk about the things that make you anxious - to your partner, family, friends or your doctor/psychologist;

·         set at least an hour aside each day to relax - meditate, read a book, or pamper yourself;

·         avoid alcohol, cigarettes and herbal products aimed at relieving stress;

·         follow a balanced diet (remember to take your folic acid supplement);

·         and talk to your doctor if you find you can't sleep or have problems eating.

Remember, you are beautiful as this is your most beautiful time in your life!