Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tips to strengthen your relationships with people

Here are valuable tips you can take to help you strengthen your relationships with people:

Be sensitive to other people's feelings - empathy is definitely not overrated. Knowing when you're stepping on someone's toes, or when a friend is "not in the mood" will keep you from the dreaded foot-in-mouth disease.

Keep an open mind - no one likes shallow, narrow minded people. Keeping an open mind is a great way to actually turn a potentially troublesome argument into a more productive and even fun debate.
Listen more than talk - it's a sad but true fact that most people have the tendency to run off at the mouth. By listening more than talking, you become both more receptive to other people's opinions and ideas, and give yourself more time to formulate appropriate responses.

Have a sense of humor - if you can make people laugh it goes a long way towards smoothing over relationships with them. If you can even manage the rather rare task of laughing at yourself, it shows a self-deprecating sense of humor that shows people you aren't taking yourself too seriously. You don't need to be a comedian, just know how to laugh and how to make people laugh and have fun.

Treat everyone with respect - most people have this preconceived notion that respect must be earned. 
Respect, rather, should be freely given to others, no matter their point of view and standing, and only retracted when people do something that goes directly and irrevocably against your own personal view of what is right.

You are not the centre of the universe - a self-centred point of view is asking for trouble. The world does not revolve around you, and if you act like it does, then people will most likely leave you to your own little world where you can happily be by yourself.

It's not what you say it's how you say it - learn to say things in a diplomatic fashion. Knowing HOW to present something is important because people will be more apt to listen to you than if you say something in a fashion that they either cannot comprehend or reject outright because your manner of speaking offends them.

Be a fire hydrant, not a flamethrower - in social interactions, it's all too easy to be a gossip or to take sides in an argument and fanning the flames. Just remember that OTHER people want the same things you do, and you can work WITH them to help each other achieve your goals.

Patience is the key - If you think that the above tips will make you deal with people better overnight, you're dead wrong. And even then you'll need to keep learning and adjusting, because every day will bring new people into your life, with new points of view, new ideas, and new attitudes.