Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Women and Natural Beauty

The healing properties of flowers, plants, and fruits have been known since early times. Natural beauty methods evolved through centuries of observation, trial and error. Many cultures treasured the healing properties of plants so deeply that they believed the plants to have magical powers as well.
A sign of the importance attached to plants in ancient societies is that they were often buried alongside people in their tombs. 

The opening up of trade routes brought new plants and foodstuffs to different people. Knowledge of how to use new plants was spread by word of mouth over great distances, and recipes that have been handed down through the years are still with us today. 

Manufacturers of modern cosmetics are also aware of the advantage of using natural ingredients. Manufacturers, however, include chemical preservatives to lengthen the shelf life of their products. In some cases, these chemicals mask the benefits of the natural ingredients, resulting in a cosmetic with only small quantities of active properties.

Therefore, creating your own natural beauty preparations gives you the full benefit of undiluted amounts of nature’s ingredients.

Discovering the vitamins, minerals and enzymes found in natural ingredients and learning to put them to good use in beauty preparations will open a new world of possibilities for new ways to cleanse, nourish, and rejuvenate your skin and hair. In addition, producing an individual range, whether it is for yourself, or for your family and friends, is very rewarding. 

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