Friday, May 12, 2017

Mother's Day 14 May 2017!

Remember, Sunday is Mother’s Day!!  Here are a few facts relating to Mother’s Day as well as a special prayer for Mom you can share with her on that special day!

Since Mother's Day always falls on a Sunday, attending church services is a popular activity among families. In fact, Mother's Day is the third most popular holiday of the year for churches, falling just behind Christmas and Easter, according to USA Today.

Modern day Mother's Day was started by Anna Jarvis in the early 1900s. Jarvis got Congress to recognize the holiday, founded the Mother's Day International Association and even trademarked the phrase "Mother's Day." Jarvis was inspired by her own mother, who had called for "Mothers Work Days" to improve conditions for soldiers on both sides during the Civil War.

Less than a decade after she fought so hard to make it happen, Anna Jarvis ended up despising the holiday she helped popularize. She spoke out vehemently over the commercialization of Mother's Day, called for its demise and was arrested during one of her protests in 1948.

Mother's Day is the third most popular holiday in the world, second to only Christmas and Easter. Other countries celebrate their own versions of Mother's Day. The UK has Mothering Sunday, which dates back to the 16th century and is observed on the fourth Sunday after Lent; Japan has its celebration of the Empress Kojun's birthday, which has become just as commercialized as the American Mother's Day; and Spain and Portugal celebrate on December 8 by honoring both the Virgin Mary and their own moms.

A Prayer for all Mothers

Thank you, Lord, that you fill a mother’s heart with love,
That you have instilled in her very being the need to protect her children if at all possible,
Thank you for giving her the gift of nurturing her children, of teaching them, of comforting them,
for feeding them and making a safe place for them.

For guiding them to be all that God has created them to be.
Fill every mother with love, wisdom and endurance,
with strength and patience and joy.
Give them ability to forgive again and again.
Enable her to rely on You and call upon You, because You will give her all she needs.
In Your precious and all powerful name, Amen