Sunday, May 5, 2013

What are Empty Calories?

These are the calories, or food energy units, that come from refined sugar, fats and starches. They include white sugar, vegetable oil, white flour and all foods made from them.

Confectionery is mainly sugar and soft drinks are sugared water. Cakes, biscuits and puddings are usually high in all three - sugar, vegetable oil and white flour. Crisps and other savoury snacks are very high in fat, and also in salt. These foods provide little more than fuel because they have lost their vital nutrients and fibre.

Having lost all or most of their minerals and vitamins, they do not contribute to health maintenance. Because they are so concentrated, they are not filling, and the temptation to overeat is hard to resist. They make a very major contribution to obesity and health problems of every kind.

Healthy and active people can usually cope with small amounts of junk food on an occasional basis, especially if they exercise vigorously to burn the calories up. If junk food is a large part of the diet, there is a price to pay in present or future ill health, or both.

Danie de Villiers - Freelance Writer