Friday, April 15, 2022

How to Improve Your Brainpower


The brain is the most powerful and magnificent organ in the human body. Its memory capacity is awesome but in the same breath, unfortunately maintaining its health and keeping its sharpness in peak condition, is not always the main priority it seems.

It is also significant that to maintain its health and memory capacity is very cost-effective. There is no need for expensive gyms or other supplements. To strengthen the brain’s memory, power, and increase its creativity is easy, cost-effective and can be done during our daily chores and whereabouts. The crux of the matter is that the human mind, like the rest of the human body, needs exercise in order to function well.

Here are practical hints for accomplishing these goals:

Regular brain exercise

·         To keep the mind sharp, do word puzzles or play games like bridge and chess.

·         Loose the calculator once in a while – do the daily adding, subtracting and multiplying without any electronic aids, which include the calculating functions of the cell phones!

·         Take 5 minutes at work, on the road or even in the garden to memorize something – a short poem, a joke, the registration number of the car passing in front of the house, etc. Before retiring to bed the evening, repeat these memorized items.

Change from a passive to a creative state of mind

·         Learn to think creatively and do brainstorming to let new ideas come forth.

·         Learn to think like a child again. Children are full of the wonder, curiosity, and playfulness that lead to creativity. Unlock the playfulness, the curiosity, and creativeness typical of children.

·         Make a habit of carrying a small pocket-note-book and pen wherever one go, even to the ball game. Jot down any ideas or ‘bright moments’ immediately.

·         Adopt the saying of ‘it is human to err’. Everybody makes mistakes but the crux of the matter is how one deal with mistakes. Evaluate mistakes made and find out why it didn’t work and try again.

Implement memory tricks

·         It is human nature to forget or discard things that is not of interest to a person. Therefore, convincing one-self of the importance of even the most trivial facts or occurrences, will sharpen the memory.

·         Talking to one-self might sound silly, but it is a good memory aid. Say aloud where the car keys were put, where the purse is or what the birthday of the wife is. Repeat any instructions or directions, which are received.

·         To keep in mind upcoming events, discuss them with friends of family members.

·         Tension can interfere with memory. Learning to relax will help one to think clearly and recall things more easily.

·         Study new subjects or languages before bedtime. New skills seem to be stored in the brain during sleep.

·         Physical exercise is good for the brain. And the brain is the most powerful and magnificent organ in the human body. Its memory capacity is awesome but in the same breath, unfortunately maintaining its health and keeping its sharpness in peak condition, is not always the main priority it seems.

·         It is also significant that to maintain its health and memory capacity is very cost-effective. There is no need for expensive gyms or other supplements. To strengthen the brain’s memory, power, and increase its creativity is easy, cost-effective and can be done during our daily chores and whereabouts. The crux of the matter is that the human mind, like the rest of the human body, needs exercise in order to function well.

Here are practical hints for accomplishing these goals:

Regular brain exercise

·         To keep the mind sharp, do word puzzles or play games like bridge and chess.

·         Loose the calculator once in a while – do the daily adding, subtracting and multiplying without any electronic aids, which include the calculating functions of the cell phones!

·         Take 5 minutes at work, on the road or even in the garden to memorize something – a short poem, a joke, the registration number of the car passing in front of the house, etc. Before retiring to bed the evening, repeat these memorized items.

Change from a passive to a creative state of mind

·         Learn to think creatively and do brainstorming to let new ideas come forth.

·         Learn to think like a child again. Children are full of the wonder, curiosity, and playfulness that lead to creativity. Unlock the playfulness, the curiosity, and creativeness typical of children.

·         Make a habit of carrying a small pocket-note-book and pen wherever one go, even to the ball game. Jot down any ideas or ‘bright moments’ immediately.

·         Adopt the saying of ‘it is human to err’. Everybody makes mistakes but the crux of the matter is how one deal with mistakes. Evaluate mistakes made and find out why it didn’t work and try again.

Implement memory tricks

·         It is human nature to forget or discard things that is not of interest to a person. Therefore, convincing one-self of the importance of even the most trivial facts or occurrences, will sharpen the memory.

·         Talking to one-self might sound silly, but it is a good memory aid. Say aloud where the car keys were put, where the purse is or what the birthday of the wife is. Repeat any instructions or directions, which are received.

·         To keep in mind upcoming events, discuss them with friends of family members.

·         Tension can interfere with memory. Learning to relax will help one to think clearly and recall things more easily.

·         Study new subjects or languages before bedtime. New skills seem to be stored in the brain during sleep.

·         Physical exercise is good for the brain. An aerobic fitness programme seems to help preserve memory.

·         There is no solid evidence that specific “brain foods” exist. However, good nutrition, which benefits the whole body, is needed as it also provides nutrients needed by the brain for better functioning.

·         Be careful of alcohol or the excessive use thereof as it can impair memory.

·         Have a set place to put keys, gloves, and anything else one might easily misplace.

·         The saying ‘a healthy body houses a healthy mind [brain]’ was never truer. Look after the brain and the brain will look after the body and the body will look after you!

·         It seems to help preserve memory.

·         There is no solid evidence that specific “brain foods” exist. However, good nutrition, which benefits the whole body, is needed as it also provides nutrients needed by the brain for better functioning.

·         Be careful of alcohol or the excessive use thereof as it can impair memory.

·         Have a set place to put keys, gloves, and anything else one might easily misplace.

The saying ‘a healthy body houses a healthy mind [brain]’ was never truer. Look after the brain and the brain will look after the body and the body will look after you!


Danie de Villiers