Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Women and Stress at Work

Every job has its stresses, but if you learn to deal with them, you will be happier, healthier and work better too.

Your mental health at work is just as important as your physical health, so it is important to think in terms of ways of alleviating stress. 

How to go about it

Work can be a major source of stress. Tensions can arise because you feel you have too much or too little responsibility, or that you are not getting enough recognition for what you are doing. Overwork, too, is frequently a major cause of strain.

Very often, the root of the problem lies in poor communication with your colleagues. You may brood about your personal situation, or complain about it to family of friends. Instead, it may be worth talking about your difficulties with others at your workplace. If you take an interest in each other’s problems, you may find it easier to establish a spirit of teamwork, which is so important for a good working atmosphere. 

If you are unhappy about your work situation for a lengthy period, it may be a sign that you need a change. Taking it over with management may help-they may be sympathetic to you changing some of the duties of your job, or taking a retraining of refresher course. 

It is also important to bear in mind that difficulty and tensions at work may be connected with your life-style in general. You may feel very differently if you make the effort to use your leisure time productively, rather than spending it thinking about your work problems. If you feel better in yourself, your attitude to your work will improve. 

One way to do this is to make good use of your rest periods. I you have break in the morning or afternoon, take advantage of them: at the same time as you put your feet up you can socialize with your colleagues. 

If you have sufficient time in the lunch break, use it to get away now and again from the work environment. A brisk walk, a short swim or a keep-fit class will leave you more relaxed and ready for the afternoon’s work.  

In some workplaces, workers meet after the day is done to participate in games such as football, tennis of basketball. This not only provides healthy exercises, but also it gives workmates the opportunity to meet together in a different environment and get to know each other better. 

Finally, it is important to re-adjust your dietary habits to meet the demands of a busy day. Eat a good, healthy breakfast; avoid, if possible, drinking at lunch; and try to cut down your consumption of tea or coffee- stimulant drinks that intensify stress.  Instead, lay in a stock of fresh fruit and fruit juices: they are more refreshing and better for you.