Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Be Happy With Yourself

Everyone wants to be happy, but many do not succeed. Why? Because sometimes we rely on people or things, like money to make us happy.

This is wrong. Happiness lies within each of us. But how?

Oscar Wilde once said: 'It's better to be beautiful than to be good, but it's better to be good than to be ugly.’ Many women, but men included feels inadequate when they are not as beautiful as they want to be. Subsequently, this makes them unhappy.

When you were not born blessed with natural beauty, there is nothing to worry about. All you have to do is to learn to accept who and what you are and love yourself. Nobody is perfect, but true beauty is from inside. Once you accepted that you are beautiful in your own right, you will be happy! Be happy with your body and what it can do for you.

We must have and cherish friends. Remember, friends cannot make us happy. But, having true friends must make us happy. This is because all human beings need close social connections to be happy. Work on the strength of your friendships, and not the quantity thereof.

Personality, too, seems linked to happiness extroverts usually seem happier, probably because they do things that bring them happiness, like forming strong friendships, enjoying relationships and accepting career challenges. But, whether you are introvert or extrovert, we can all learn to be happy. It starts with a choice.

The choice of being happy or not, lies within, not outside!