Tuesday, March 8, 2016
You Are Beautiful!!
We are all born beautiful. We are all capable of giving, receiving and sharing pleasure, we are all able to love and be loved .
Beautiful people are those comfortable with their bodies. The best lovers are those who acknowledge themselves as sensual and sexual beings. They’re concerned with what’s on the inside, as well as the outside. But some people are more concerned with the outside, what they look like, and subsequently tend to ignore what’s inside and become just a tad shallow.
If the motivation to change your body comes from the perspective of not being enough, there’s a small problem. It will never be enough. The other problem here is the truth of change. To expect to look the same at 40 as we did at 25 is absurd.
The secret is we must be more comfortable with whom we are, more secure, and must have an inner glow that only comes from a level of self-acceptance and self-love is much better. What we must accept is that once beautiful from inside; we will radiate the same beauty on the outside, irrespective of age!
The more you allow yourself to pleasure and be pleasured, the more aware of yourself, your physical and emotional being you become. This naturally brings a greater sense of well-being, energy and vitality. Regardless of what we look like externally. And we come to see that purely through feeling good, that whatever our body looks like, we can have fun and excitement, peace and passion.
And then the desire to change anything physically becomes more realistic, easier and most importantly, the motivation to change becomes different.
It’s because I like or even love myself more. And then weight, for example disappears, or my eating changes naturally or exercise is more fun or purposeful. It comes from inside and is not dependent on anybody or anything else.
But the comfier I feel within my skin, the more sensual I allow myself to be, the better about myself I will feel, the more my body will come to a state of balance. And I will be happy!