Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ten Amazing Facts About Beetroot

I was never a beetroot fan. The only things I knew about beetroot were that occasionally it could be a tasty salad and on the negative side that when you work with it (making a salad for instance) it stains your fingers and when you spill it, it also stains carpets, table cloths, etc. which is difficult to get out.

However, beetroot is actually an amazing vegetable; here are 10 amazing facts about beetroot:

1. Beetroot, botanically known as Beta vulgaris, are native to the Mediterranean.

2. Although the leaves have been eaten since before written history, the beetroot was generally used medicinally and did not become a popular food until French chefs recognized their potential in the 1800’s.

3. Some frozen pizzas use beetroot powder to colour the tomato sauce.

4. The most common garden beetroot  is a deep ruby red in colour, but yellow, white, and even candy-striped (with red and white concentric circles) are available in specialty markets.

5. Beetroot juice can lower blood pressure.

6. Beetroot contains potassium, manganese, and folic. Therefore, it is also a liver tonic.

7. It is boron rich, which stimulates the production of sex hormones.

8. Beetroot with vinegar or lemon juice has a low GI and therefore it gives sustained energy.

9. Beetroot contains betaien, which is an important nutrient for heart health.

10. It is rich in fibre and therefore good for natural digestion.

There you are. With some interesting facts on beetroot, I am now more “beetroot-friendly.”
